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Even Par Enterprises sells Made in USA Products in the Health & Personal Care Category
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One of the products Even Par Enterprises sells is Made in America Hand Assist Devices. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Even Par Enterprises and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Lend-A-Hand is the first and only universal assistive device. It has been developed by Evan Par Enterprises, Inc. to help the physically challenged individual. It helps provide additional arm support leverage and strength while raking, painting and other day to day activities. Lend-A-Hand is a patented assistive device. Once put on, Lend-A-Hand increases mobility while decreasing the strain off the individual's shoulders, arms, back and legs. Lend-A-Hand helps allow the individual to play golf, wash car, paint, rake, sweep and wash floors, go fishing and endless other activities and duties. Lend-A-Hand, the hand that makes the difference.