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Skatersocks sells Made in USA Products in the American Apparel & Clothing Category
eshop at Skatersocks's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Skatersocks sells is Made in America Socks. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Skatersocks and its Made in the USA products see the following:

SkaterSocks was established from childhood dreams
of skateboarding around town in the 70's.

Our vision in 2003

-Bring back the American made striped tube socks from the 60's-
-Make them the world's most comfortable sock out of cotton-
-Make them in the heartland of America just like back in the day-
-Be the world's original source-

And the Rest is History!

-Grass Roots-Word of Mouth-Family Run-