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Iconic Tsunami sells Made in the USA Products in the Organization Storage & Filing Category
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One of the products Iconic Tsunami sells is Made in the USA Desk Clutter Organizers. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Iconic Tsunami and its American Made products see the following:

Understanding the market is the key to knowing the markets wants, needs and interests. Far too often do products get released with little to no proper understanding of not only the markets at hands, but where those markets developed from and where they are going. These markets defined as segments also reflect lifestyles, and with lifestyles come lifestyle brands. Iconic Tsunami (it) is a Delaware based company and is the acting brand for innovative products that scale from your home, office and school. The venture is built around tactic, strategy and a development of a culture that not only relates to its products, but finds everyday function with them. Iconic Tsunami's branding, specifically the logo it will produce new and unique product lines and customer service improvements well beyond current industry standards, becoming a premiere brand name.

it is an entity that practices value over profit and sees that its consumers relate to it not only by name, but in design. Every facet of the it presence has been and will continue to be tested and tried in the consumers' perspective. The venture does not assume what is good for the market, on the contrary, it simply asks them what is best for them. This allows the customer to have some influence on the interests of the company, allowing them to become involved in the development of new brand designs and functions. Through web technology the customer gets a sense of ownership and helps determine the growth of the brand itself.

From product to label and everything in between, it has set forth the efforts to develop the perfect brand in image, scale and relevance for the market. By identifying with the Bohemian and Digerati segments, it has developed a brand identity that is both scalable and adaptable through product development and social media. The focal points takes from the fastest growing market factors and applies those same interests to larger markets progressively. Reflecting a simple design with adjustable imagery allows the consumers to take ownership in particular designs reflecting what is it to them. Although the cultural definition to the company stands iconic tsunami, it does not reflect what is it for the consumer. To the mother of four, it may be about love, for the rocker in the garage it is about music and to you in the office, it may simply be about personalizing your space.

it stays light, friendly and relatable with its own sense of vector design with touches of contemporary and modern alignments. Keeping in mind that value comes before price point, it reflects premium brands through a sense of legitimacy and credibility it takes with great pride and a great deal of work. We also understand the importance of building and supporting our economy and take a great deal of pride in our pursuit of having our products made in America.

Building a Brand

This rapid growth in the market and development of new technologically savvy market segments opens a unique opportunity to not only capitalize on growing numbers, but gives the ability to develop unique subcultures in the office environments. This subculture recognized by it is duly noted as the Desk Jockey, and is part of a regular growing viral network in areas as effective as viral email as any other. The average office white collar worker spends over 53 hours a week in front of a computer (Johnston Thomas), and the defined market segment for it directly spends an average of 64 hours for both working and social functions (Dock 3.7583, Bea). Of those 64 hours over 12 hours are spent with social workings, even during work times (Dock 3.7587, Bea). This indicates an exceptionally savvy and tuned segment that can be leveraged for it in order to better develop the culture that drives the growth of the venture.

The brand will allow for the market to take ownership of the products in branding, color, size and any other area of want or need. The simple design of the FACEMATE? monitor accessories allow for a multitude of marketing opportunities not only for it, but for other entities to re-brand their own identity on the products for internal communication or retail sales. Ultimately, it is the product itself that gives the venture an opportunity to develop equity in it. Developing strength in the following allows for the opportunity for other entities to directly align themselves with it and additional campaigns with which the venture becomes involved.

With branding comes tactics and communication, keeping in mind that positioning is equally, if not more important than the brand itself. Focusing primarily on alignment with organizations in the markets interests, as well as those maintaining awareness, it is given an opportunity to not only leverage its growing brand trough its consumer's grassroots actions, but also leverage that of other existing brands.

Understanding the Market's Growth

In 2008 Dell had a registered 238 Million flat screen monitors sold in the US alone (Internal Dell Sales Reporting). This was a 27% increase from the prior 2007 year sales. The forecasted sales had only suggested a solid 18% monitor sales. However, it has seen an increased growth from drastic corporate sales workings and price cuts through new monitor technology developments set to hit before the start of 2010. The market share on accessories for these devices is few and far between. With so many other companies and sub divisions selling these products, for both entertainment and work function across the world, it establishes a great market opportunity for it's current and future assets.

Although Dell had only a portion of the $64 billion dollar Display Devices sales of that year, the industry as a whole has seen great growth in sales by volume, which is translated to an expansion of sales for it of the FACEMATE? product and other assets added to it's line card in the near future.