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Goetzes Candy sells Made in the USA Products in the Grocery & Gourmet Food Category
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One of the products Goetzes Candy sells is American Made Candy. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Goetzes Candy and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Goetze's Candy is a family owned company located in downtown Baltimore, MD. It was founded in 1895, and is now in its 5th generation of operations. Since the 1940's, the company's staple product has been Caramel Creams??a soft, chewy caramel wrapped around a decadent cream center?a unique and recognizable product that has been a tasty, iconic American treat. In 1984, Goetze's Candy introduced Cow Tales?, an elongated version of the classic Caramel Creams?.

Today, Caramel Creams? are available in six flavors?vanilla, original chocolate, chocolate, strawberry, apple, and licorice?and Cow Tales? are available in four flavors?vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and apple.

Our Heritage
Goetze's Candy was founded in 1895 as the Baltimore Chewing Gum Company. In the early 1900's, Goetze's began making caramels. In the 1920's, Goetze expanded the business and moved to a bigger building in which Caramel Creams? and Cow Tales? are made today.
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Commitment to Quality
The Goetze's family has always had a passion for excellence, throughout each of the five generations. Production has increased, the building has expanded, and products have grown to include additional flavors, but the care that is put into the confections has never changed.
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Commitment to Community
Dedicated to community, Goetze's Candy formed the Give & Goetze program. The Give & Goetze team works with youth leadership groups and is comprised of a group of runners who help charities prosper one mile at a time.
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Made in USA
The Goetze family is committed to manufacturing in the USA and to keeping the company in Baltimore, Maryland where it was founded. Ongoing support of the local economy is an obligation that we believe has lasting rewards.
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