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Canfield Plastics sells Made in USA Products in the Shoes Category
eshop at Canfield Plastics's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products Canfield Plastics sells is Made in the USA Shoe Lifts. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Canfield Plastics and its Made in America products see the following:

20 years manufacturer of custom and massed produced shoe inserts.

All of the products sold on this site are made in the USA.

Developer and inventor of the Levitator brand shoe lift inserts.

All the items we sell are manufactured at our plant located in Ohio.

Most if not all the other companies that sell similar products on line market products that are made in countries such as China or Korea that do not have the same type of regulations concerning worker safety or product quality.

Sister company of Canfield Plastics manufacturer of plastic displays and items for the medical industry. In the past 5 years of selling on-line we have sold thousands upon thousands of height increase shoe inserts to every state in the USA and hundreds of countries throughout the world. We feel we may be the largest seller of shoe lifts in the USA if not the world due to past sales and growth patterns.

Our products are one size fits all on the width and vary from half an inch up to two and one half inches on the height. They consist of one piece construction that makes them virtually indestructible with no extra parts that can separate or slide inside the shoe.

Our height increase insoles are durable, interchangeable, removable, and are guaranteed to be the most comfortable shoe lifts on the market. Our product can be worn in virtually every shoe in your collection depending on the size selected. Levitator shoe lifts can be used for everyday use or for special occasions such as weddings, job interviews, formal events, dinner parties, or graduations.

Levitator Lifts contributes 5% of its sales to the protection of habitat by the purchase of remote undeveloped land. This has led to a purchase of 35 acres in West Texas which will remain in its natural pristine state. By leaving the land in its natural state this helps to protect the environment and the rare or endangered animals and plants that are inhabitants. As our business grows and we continue to gain market share we are looking at obtaining additional properties in the future.

Best Quality and price guarantee. Made in U.S.A. Beware of imitators!!

We guarantee that the Levitator brand shoe inserts are the best product on the market!!