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ASL sells Made in USA Products in the Hardware & Building Supplies Category
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One of the products ASL sells is Made in America Bulkhead Lights / Lighting. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about ASL and its American Made products see the following:

ASL is America's premier lighting manufacturer, dedicated exclusively to the production of GREEN lighting. The company's primary focus from initial design to final product is quality. Best of all, our fixtures are fabricated right here in the USA by American craftsmen insuring timely deliveries.


ASL is a New York based corporation established in Brooklyn, New York in 1979. One manufacturing plant supplies the entire United States. The company is a privately held corporation. Yaakov Singer is the founder and president and continues to be actively involved in the company's growth. Additionally there are another 25 highly skilled employees who design and produce some of the best energy efficient lighting in the industry.


In 1979 the president of the company was looking to invest in a part-time venture. At a trade show he discovered a small thermistor disk the size of a quarter that when placed between an incandescent light bulb and socket, would increase the bulb's life four times. This thermistor type device was developed by Nasa in the course of space exploration. It was designed to protect the Saturn booster rocket from current surges. This same technology protects the delicate filament inside an incandescent bulb from the sudden hot current surge it receives when the light is turned on that causes it to burn out. Seeing the great opportunity of extending the life of the incandescent bulb, and being able to reduce the labor costs associated with frequent light bulb changes, the president made a small investment and purchased a franchise. Tens of thousands of Bulb Misers were sold throughout the country. Today that scientific technology is basically outdated, it was however the product upon which ASL was built and founded. In the course of marketing the Bulb Miser, many customers requested that other technologies be made available that could reduce the electrical consumption associated with lighting. Extensive research alerted the president to new emerging energy efficient lighting technologies in Europe. By acquiring these new technologies, a total lighting package was soon developed and marketed to large electrical consumers on a direct basis. Entire retrofit projects were designed, for which financing was arranged and savings shared between the customer and company. In time, as demand increased and confidence was gained in the new technology's ability to reduce electric consumption, the company shifted gears to manufacturing and creating innovative designs utilizing compact fluorescent technology. In short, a company that started its business from a small living room closet today operates 2 shifts out of its 32,000 sq. foot facility. The American dream is alive today.