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Ascend Acoustics sells Made in the USA Products in the Home Electronics & Audio Category
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One of the products Ascend Acoustics sells is Made in America Bass Speakers. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Ascend Acoustics and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Ascend Acoustics is revolutionizing the audio industry. Our goal is to provide the highest quality sound reproduction at the most affordable price to the consumer.

Aren't all audio component manufacturers doing the same?

Ascend Acoustics has a corporate philosophy unlike other loudspeaker manufacturers. Our products are designed and engineered from the ground up to be distributed factory-direct to the consumer via the Internet. Constructed of only the finest available components, our distribution technique and low overhead business model allow us to keep retail costs low yet quality high...extremely high.

Aren't all audio component manufacturers doing the same?

Traditional loudspeaker companies manufacture their products and then market them down a long chain of distributors, which includes wholesalers, representative firms and retailers. This process adds as much as 800% to the original manufacturing cost of the product. Using the process known as disintermediation, Ascend bypasses this distribution chain and passes the cost savings on to the consumer and into the product, enabling us to offer high-end quality at an extremely affordable price. Our products use more expensive components yet sell for less than competing products.

Then why aren't all audio component manufacturers doing the same?

Ascend is one of a few select loudspeaker manufacturers currently able to disintermediate because most audio manufacturers are locked into pre-existing agreements with the members of their distribution networks. Any attempt by these companies to break the distribution chain and market directly to the consumer would be vigorously opposed by their retailers. Ascend has no such agreements and is among the first in the industry to design its products without factoring in the costs associated with retail markup.

Ok, I'm interested. Just exactly who are you and why haven't I heard of you?

Ascend Acoustics Incorporated, is a California Corporation consisting of an experienced team of engineers, musicians and sales professionals. Realizing the incredible power and advantage of distribution via the Internet, our executives and engineers left large consumer electronic manufacturers to join together and reinvent the industry. Word of our enterprise is spreading and we are making the industry giants very nervous indeed.

I'm hooked. How do I find out more?

Please browse our website and feel free to call or email us. Our staff of sales and service professionals are ready to assist you with any questions and concerns you might have. All of our products carry a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. By ordering them direct, you have the advantage of auditioning them in your home and with your equipment, instead of an unrealistic retail loudspeaker display. We are confident our products offer unmatched quality and value and that our means of distribution and support is the most efficient for you, the consumer. We hope you pursue your interest and we look forward to serving you.