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American Spirit Candle sells Made in America Products in the American Furniture & Home Decor Category
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One of the products American Spirit Candle sells is Made in America Candle Holders. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about American Spirit Candle and its American Made products see the following:

The American Spirit Candle Company has been in business over 12 years. The company was established by our son who, in the true spirit of a salesman, convinced his own mother to become his saleswoman! Reluctant at first, I started with a single case to try my luck and sold out in an hour! I continued selling case after case and when customers began seeking me out for replacements, I realized just how much our product stood out from the rest. In 2003, our son got out of the candle business so we decided to start our own candle bu company. For a while, it was just my husband and myself manufacturing and selling our products. As our company grew our, daughter joined us, and to make it a true family business our son returned to sell for us in 20076. We pride ourselves on making the highest quality products and have been rewarded for this ideal as our company has continued to grow each year. Why American Spirit Candle Company? We believe that only in America, can a retired couple create a business and succeed at it. Our Country was built on the American Spirit and we believe that we are truly living the American Dream! Thank you for your support, Ed & Patti