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Amador Flower Farm sells Made in USA Products in the American Furniture & Home Decor Category
eshop at Amador Flower Farm's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Amador Flower Farm sells is Made in America Flowers. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Amador Flower Farm and its American Made products see the following:

Designated an American Hemerocallis Society Display Garden, Amador Flower Farm started as a direct mail business in 1994 with over 350 different daylilies. We have been adding new daylilies every year since and now have over 1000 different daylilies. We cover 14 acres with four acres of award winning Demonstration Gardens designed to showcase our daylilies.

Our grounds are available for your pleasure throughout the year. Hours of operation are 9:00 am - 4:00 pm DAILY, March through November. Our winter hours are in effect from December through February: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, Thursday - Sunday, closed Monday - Wednesday.

The Demonstration Gardens are planted with more than 200 unusual perennials and grasses and over 1000 varieties of daylilies.

Our Gift Shop offers many gardening and statuary items.

In our nursery we sell perennials and grasses as well as houseplants and colorful annuals ~ sorry, not available for shipping.

Our Color Catalog has over 700 bare-root daylilies featured that we direct mail throughout the world. The catalog is complete with photographs, cultivar information and ordering instructions.

Our Picnic Facilities make Amador Flower Farm the perfect place to spend a relaxing day surrounded by acres of flowers. Enjoy sitting at the picnic tables under Heritage Oaks, gazing into our pond watching resident ducks and frogs .

Steve Saunders is our farm manager. Steve and his knowledgeable team make shopping with Amador Flower Farm a pleasant experience.

Special Awards

We are honored to have been designated as one of the very few American Hemerocallis Society Display Gardens.

Recipient of a special award from California Garden Club, Inc., for Landscape Design. Awarded for ...good land use that incorporated native oaks and natural rock piles in the creation of acres of gardens which are a place of beauty, and also serve as a site for educational events of horticultural significance.

We've also been honored to be voted Best Business in Amador County by the readers of the Sierra Lodestar newspaper, Best Nursery by the readers of the Amador Ledger newspaper and 4th place in the competition for Best Garden Center in the Sacramento, CA region by the viewers of kcra3 our NBC affiliate.

We're proud to have been listed as a National Geographic Destination on the Sierra Nevada Geotourism website, a great place to start when you want to visit the Sierra Nevada! Take a look HERE.