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Alisa Benay sells Made in America Products in the American Apparel & Clothing Category
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One of the products Alisa Benay sells is Made in America Wedding Dresses. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Alisa Benay and its Made in the USA products see the following:

I'm passionate about beautiful things. A perfect rose, vintage lace, sunset over the Rockies, a Vivaldi concerto, my children's laughter. Beautiful things stir in me a need to create something spectacular of my own. I love the process of creating wedding gowns, that magical moment when a beautiful silk, a bit of lace, and a handmade flower become someone's dream gown. I view myself as a sculptor. Silk and lace are my medium?the female body is my form.

You will see in my gowns, boleros, and accessories a romantic and feminine touch with a hint of timeless grace. My specialty is making gowns that work with the bride's body to make her feel comfortable and confidant, as well as radiantly beautiful.