One of the products White Lotus Home sells is Made in the USA Sheets. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about White Lotus Home and its Made in America products see the following:
As a company, we are devoted to taking care of our customers, our employees and our planet. We are a business with skilled and creative artisans who are dedicated to their craft, and a sales staff dedicated to exceptional serving customers. We believe that we can make a difference in the green and organic bedding industry by setting an example for others. We believe that quality and fair value are more important than low prices and a quick profit. We are opposed to the exploitation of the planet and all its inhabitants. Above all, our people, products and business practices are socially, politically and environmentally responsible.
We wish all homes could be White Lotus Homes...
About our customer's privacy: We will never sell, abuse, or jeopardize our customers' contact or personal information.
Our customers and their information are held in the highest regard at White Lotus Home.
SHORT VIDEO on How White Lotus Mattresses are handmade?
Why we should not sleep on chemical fire retardant mattresses?
President's BIO
Marlon Pando, MBA, President
Marlon is foremost a family man who grew up in Sullana, Peru a small town where recycling and sustainability was, and still is, a way of life. At seven years of age, Marlon and his family moved to Brooklyn, New York. While the children got their education, his parents worked in a family owned business, handcrafting neckties. At thirteen, Marlon began working in the family business. In 1992, the family moved to Miami, Florida to start their second neckwear handcrafting business which in time, Marlon took over and gained seven years of solid experience in manufacturing and marketing handcrafted goods.
In 2001, Marlon earned his Bachelors in Business Administration at The Metropolitan College of New York where in 2003 he also earned his MBA with a concentration in International Business. Since then, Marlon has held positions as General, Operations and Project Manager, Program Director and Account Executive. He has managed professional and trade non-for-profit associations including the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, Window Covering Manufacturing Association, Window Covering Safety Council, Comics Manufacturers Association of America and the Certified Ballast Manufacturers. His strategic planning, financial, marketing, staffing, sales expertise and his natural upbringing are exceptional.
Marlon is currently the President and Owner of White Lotus Home, a 32 year old environmentally friendly company that handcrafts natural and organic bedding. He is in charge of all executive decision making. In addition to overseeing staff members and outside accounting, marketing and web design counterparts. Marlon manages the online and brick and mortar stores as well as wholesale accounts. He focuses on increasing efficiencies, revenues and effectiveness, while reducing waste, upcycling and improving product line by considering sustainability in how and where White Lotus Home makes their products.
Marlon has supervised fulfillment centers with respect to sales and distribution of literature, products and safety devices and has been involved in writing standards and other industry literature. He has over 20 years of management and operations experience in manufacturing, retail and the service industries and has practiced financial advising for many years.
For more information about White Lotus Home and its Made in America products see the following:
As a company, we are devoted to taking care of our customers, our employees and our planet. We are a business with skilled and creative artisans who are dedicated to their craft, and a sales staff dedicated to exceptional serving customers. We believe that we can make a difference in the green and organic bedding industry by setting an example for others. We believe that quality and fair value are more important than low prices and a quick profit. We are opposed to the exploitation of the planet and all its inhabitants. Above all, our people, products and business practices are socially, politically and environmentally responsible.
We wish all homes could be White Lotus Homes...
About our customer's privacy: We will never sell, abuse, or jeopardize our customers' contact or personal information.
Our customers and their information are held in the highest regard at White Lotus Home.
SHORT VIDEO on How White Lotus Mattresses are handmade?
Why we should not sleep on chemical fire retardant mattresses?
President's BIO
Marlon Pando, MBA, President
Marlon is foremost a family man who grew up in Sullana, Peru a small town where recycling and sustainability was, and still is, a way of life. At seven years of age, Marlon and his family moved to Brooklyn, New York. While the children got their education, his parents worked in a family owned business, handcrafting neckties. At thirteen, Marlon began working in the family business. In 1992, the family moved to Miami, Florida to start their second neckwear handcrafting business which in time, Marlon took over and gained seven years of solid experience in manufacturing and marketing handcrafted goods.
In 2001, Marlon earned his Bachelors in Business Administration at The Metropolitan College of New York where in 2003 he also earned his MBA with a concentration in International Business. Since then, Marlon has held positions as General, Operations and Project Manager, Program Director and Account Executive. He has managed professional and trade non-for-profit associations including the Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association, Window Covering Manufacturing Association, Window Covering Safety Council, Comics Manufacturers Association of America and the Certified Ballast Manufacturers. His strategic planning, financial, marketing, staffing, sales expertise and his natural upbringing are exceptional.
Marlon is currently the President and Owner of White Lotus Home, a 32 year old environmentally friendly company that handcrafts natural and organic bedding. He is in charge of all executive decision making. In addition to overseeing staff members and outside accounting, marketing and web design counterparts. Marlon manages the online and brick and mortar stores as well as wholesale accounts. He focuses on increasing efficiencies, revenues and effectiveness, while reducing waste, upcycling and improving product line by considering sustainability in how and where White Lotus Home makes their products.
Marlon has supervised fulfillment centers with respect to sales and distribution of literature, products and safety devices and has been involved in writing standards and other industry literature. He has over 20 years of management and operations experience in manufacturing, retail and the service industries and has practiced financial advising for many years.