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Safeer Soaps sells Made in America Products in the Health & Personal Care Category
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One of the products Safeer Soaps sells is Made in America Shampoos. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Safeer Soaps and its American Made products see the following:

SOLUTIONS 4 YOU? is operated by Paul & Cheryl Tima. We help design, formulate and manufacturer all natural & organic body, face & hand creams, lotions, massage oils, nutritionals, personal care and skin care & Ultra-Safe soaps. We sell anti-microbial botanical cleansers, hypo-allergenic & non-toxic, 100% Paraben & cVOC free personal care, personal cleaning and personal hygiene products.
They are 100% Ultra-Safe for your body, your environment, immune system and vital organs. Our products are clean and green (Green Works). Pet & Wildlife Safe...Even for KIDZ!

Click here to read Paul & Cheryl's Story on how and why they got started into Natural Health, and their desire and motivation for starting Solutions 4 You?.

The manufacturing facilities we use our EPA Registered and our chemists can formulate and private label for you any product short of pharmaceutical drugs, such as cleaning supplies, essential oils, green foods, herbal & nutritional supplements, personal care & personal hygiene products, sports drinks, etc.

We have a complete graphics team that can help you design from start to finish (including printing) with your brochures, labels, logo's and website. We can act as your complete fulfillment center for your company and products. We have the ability, knowledge and software to run your credit card orders, collect funds, distribute checks and ship your products.

We have our own healing & health ministry called H.E.L.P. (H.ealthy E.ducational L.ifestyle P.rograms). We believe Cheryl was healed of advanced stage 3-C ovarian cancer through the grace of God naturally, without the use of chemotherapy, medications, or radiation. As of April 1st, 2014, Cheryl was still 100% (14-Years Ovarian Cancer FREE)...Praise the Lord!!

Cheryl used many different natural therapies that we had researched in which to detoxify her body and rebuild her immune system that assist the body to heal itself the way God created and intended it to. From this experience, we H.E.L.P. re-educate and teach our family and friends about healing their own body naturally through our new programs.