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Burlingham International sells Made in the USA Products in the Contract Manufacturing Category
eshop at Burlingham International's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products Burlingham International sells is Made in the USA Fasteners. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Burlingham International and its Made in America products see the following:

Burlingham International began over 38 years ago as the Duraclamp Company, a one product domestic firm serving the Metal Finishing market. Burlingham International has now grown into a multi-product, international company working in a wide range of industries.

The Burlingham Family began in the anodizing industry in the early 1970's, operating architectural lines in Southern and Northern California. We worked closely with architects, extruders, manufacturers and suppliers to provide the highest quality finishes to customers throughout the Western United States.

The Burlingham's were founding members of the Aluminum Anodizers Council, created to promote and support anodizing as a unique and dependable finish. The current Burlingham International product line was designed and developed by a family of metal finishers to insure that today's finishing plants have state of the art tools to meet the ever increasing demands of the industry.

From the Number 1 selling Duraclamp designed for anodizers and platers to our expanded line of nuts and bolts for printed circuit board manufacturers, Burlingham International personnel specialize in meeting customers stringent requirements. Please take some time to review our unique product lines and varied capabilities. We look forward to working with you.