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Amana sells Made in America Products in the Bedding Category
eshop at Amana 's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Amana sells is Made in America Blankets. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Amana and its American Made products see the following:

About Us
In the 1850s a group of German immigrants settled in a lush river valley in east-central Iowa. They called their new home Amana after a passage in the Song of Solomon meaning to remain faithful. They established seven villages known as the Amana Colonies and lived communally, embracing a pure and simple way of life...including pride in workmanship, a home in the heartland, and sharing good food with good friends.

From our communal beginnings to today, our Amana products have attracted attention world-wide and the Amana name is universally recognized for superb quality. We know with today's busy lifestyles, you can't always plan a trip to Amana, so we have made our quality products available to you 24-7 on this website. We hope you enjoy our products. If there is something Amana we may help with, please let us know!

For more information on the Amana Colonies, please visit