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All American Baby sells Made in USA Products in the Baby Products Category
eshop at All American Baby's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products All American Baby sells is Made in the USA Diaper Bags. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about All American Baby and its American Made products see the following:

When I took time off from teaching elementary school to raise my daughter, I found that being a mother is the most fulfilling job I could have ever imagined! I feel like my heart is walking around outside of my body each and every day! And now with the birth of my son, the feeling is only multiplied. I want only the highest quality, safest products for my children, whether they are toys, blankets or clothing. With recent safety concerns and recalls of toys, blankets and other children's products, I found myself wanting to get Back to Basics for my children's sake. I wanted to have toys that would challenge their minds and encourage developmental growth (that's my 15 years as a teacher coming out!). You remember from your childhood, the toys that don't require batteries, but instead use imagination, creative thinking, and problem solving. I also wanted the quality and safety of these products to be unquestionable (that is definitely the mother in me!). These ideals became my beacon. At the same time, since I've had children, I have become even more aware of the importance of social responsibility, and the need to support our own nation, the workers, and the economy. My search for the perfect products was long and frustrating, and I wished for one place where I could find a variety of safe, American-made toys, and quality American-made baby products. So the idea for All-American Baby was born. I have done the work for you! I've searched for and found the perfect toys, books, clothing, skin-care products, blankets, diaper bags, bedding and accessories?Made in the USA.