One of the products Precision One sells is Made in the USA Ammunitions. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about Precision One and its Made in America products see the following:
Precision ONe Ammunition is a relatively new company, but the owner, Jeff, has been reloading since the early '90's. Our company goals are to bring a consistant and accurate round to the market pleace. Only top quality components such as the brass, powder, primer, and bullets are used in the manufacturing process. Most factory ammunition for the consumer is made with generic powders and broader tolerances. Our products are developed for optimum accuracy and functionality with tighter tolerances using top name brand products.
On some calibers, like the .38 and .357, we use two different recipes for those calibers. If you have a short barrel or 'snub nose', we use a faster burning powder to get the most veloctity and accuracy for that perticular type of firearm. For barrels over 4 we use a slightly slower burnig powder to obtain a higher velocity without decreasing accuracy. The more the powder can burn in the barrel before the bullet exits (without exceeding the firearms' pressure limits) gives you more velocity (fps) and better accuracy.. One can always use either bullet in either firearm with absolutely no issues, some even like the 'flash-bang' associated with the slower burning powders. You and I would never notice a difference in 'burn time' is milliseconds-if that long.
Please specify if you would like your ammunition customized for your firearm. There will be NO extra cost for pistol calibers. We can even put a label on the box to say This ammunition was custom made for John Doe (Case quantities ONLY please).
All ammunition produced meets S.A.A.M.I. requirements and is made for that perticular caliber it is designed for. You must specify if you want your ammunition customized for your firearm.
Precision ONe Ammunition is a fully licensed (Type 06 FFL) and insured company. We appreciate feedback both positive and negative. Please feel free to give us your opinion at any time. We will take all responses to improve our relationships with our customers and to improve our company's success.
Give us a shot and you will be back for more.
For more information about Precision One and its Made in America products see the following:
Precision ONe Ammunition is a relatively new company, but the owner, Jeff, has been reloading since the early '90's. Our company goals are to bring a consistant and accurate round to the market pleace. Only top quality components such as the brass, powder, primer, and bullets are used in the manufacturing process. Most factory ammunition for the consumer is made with generic powders and broader tolerances. Our products are developed for optimum accuracy and functionality with tighter tolerances using top name brand products.
On some calibers, like the .38 and .357, we use two different recipes for those calibers. If you have a short barrel or 'snub nose', we use a faster burning powder to get the most veloctity and accuracy for that perticular type of firearm. For barrels over 4 we use a slightly slower burnig powder to obtain a higher velocity without decreasing accuracy. The more the powder can burn in the barrel before the bullet exits (without exceeding the firearms' pressure limits) gives you more velocity (fps) and better accuracy.. One can always use either bullet in either firearm with absolutely no issues, some even like the 'flash-bang' associated with the slower burning powders. You and I would never notice a difference in 'burn time' is milliseconds-if that long.
Please specify if you would like your ammunition customized for your firearm. There will be NO extra cost for pistol calibers. We can even put a label on the box to say This ammunition was custom made for John Doe (Case quantities ONLY please).
All ammunition produced meets S.A.A.M.I. requirements and is made for that perticular caliber it is designed for. You must specify if you want your ammunition customized for your firearm.
Precision ONe Ammunition is a fully licensed (Type 06 FFL) and insured company. We appreciate feedback both positive and negative. Please feel free to give us your opinion at any time. We will take all responses to improve our relationships with our customers and to improve our company's success.
Give us a shot and you will be back for more.