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All USA Clothing sells Made in America Products in the Clothing Kids & Baby Category
eshop at All USA Clothing's web store for Made in America products
One of the products All USA Clothing sells is Made in America Toddler Rib Tanks. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about All USA Clothing and its American Made products see the following:

All USA Clothing has been committed to American Made products and manufacturing for over 42 years. Based in Michigan, we know first-hand the powerful impact that buying (or not buying) American can have on the US economy.

We are steadfastly committed to ?home grown' economic success: American made products, American jobs, American manufacturing and the ongoing prosperity of this great country!

Our small contribution to this great country? We provide the finest American and Union Made Clothing at the best prices. American Made clothes are better and competitive. We know this firsthand. We support the American Worker and everyone who shares our conviction to buying Made in USA: Made in USA clothing, footwear, Made in USA ? everything!

Our select product lines are all made in the USA and include such items as American made jeans, t-shirts, shirts, polo shirts, coats, jackets, boots, shoes, running shoes and socks.

Together with our exceptional American manufacturers such as as Carhartt (American/Union made only), New Balance, Weinbrenner/Thorogood Boots and Shoes, King Louie America, Union Line, AKWA/Sun Moda (American made only), Wigwam, Cactus Fashions and many others, we have proven that buying Made in USA is affordable, practical and good for all of us. Support clothing and manufactures Made in the USA!

Our Mission
At All USA Clothing, we are committed to offering the best clothing at the best prices Made in the USA. We are committed to this country, its future and to supporting and promoting manufactures determined to remain - Made in the USA.

We are also committed to a stable and permanent American manufacturing base as well as a robust, skilled and labor force in the USA forever! America has a proud tradition of producing exceptional apparel and other goods right here at home, we support this now and in the future. We will continue to work with only manufacturers determined to make the high quality products you have come to expect from our own American workforce that are Made in the USA.

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