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Stuffington Bear Factory sells Made in USA Products in the Toys & Games Category
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One of the products Stuffington Bear Factory sells is Made in America Dog and Cat Beds. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Stuffington Bear Factory and its American Made products see the following:

Stuffington Teddy Bear Factory is a USA toy manufacturer of American teddy bears, American stuffed animals and American stuffed animal accessories based in Phoenix, Arizona. We have been creating unique American stuffed animal gifts since 1959. Our creations are unique and also of very high quality, designed to be a lasting friend well into the future for you or that special someone.

Stuffington Teddy Bear Factory is one of the few stuffed animal manufacturers with production based in the United States. We are proud of our Made in the U.S.A. status and what it means to all of us. We know how important to your family and our economy American toys from a USA toy manufacturer are.

Download our in-store coupon. Stuggington Bear Factory teddy bear stuffing machine.
Stuffington Bear Factory's hours of Operation are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MST, Monday through Friday and some Saturdays.

We have one manufacturing facility located in Phoenix, Arizona. This facility is 16,000 square feet and is a complete cut and sew production environment. Any finished fabric item from stuffed animals to clothing can be produced here from scratch. In fact, we often produce custom cut and sew items under contract. All products are made by hand.

On the same property we have a retail store where we sell our teddy bears and stuffed animals. Shoppers can come in anytime and have a teddy bear or stuffed animal made right away. We also host factory tours, school field trips, birthday parties and special events. During these events, visitors learn all about teddy bears and are able to stuff, comb, bathe and dress up their very own teddy bear. Our events are very popular, with a high frequency of return bookings.

We always enjoy showing visitors around the manufacturing facility and the retail store. Visitors have a great time learning about how a stuffed animal is made and an even better time selecting and creating their own favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal.

If you are ever in the neighborhood, come by anytime to make a stuffed animal in our retail store. We highly encourage you to drop in and visit us for a unique experience you won't forget.