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Danhov sells Made in USA Products in the Jewelry Category
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One of the products Danhov sells is American Made Wedding Jewelry. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Danhov and its Made in America products see the following:

Founded in 1984 by Jack Hovsepian, Danhov is known in the luxury jewelry
category for its innovative design philosophy. The designs of the custom-made
engagement rings and wedding bands ensure that every Danhov customer
wears a special ring that is an extension and personal statement of their 
discerning taste. 

Jack learned at an early age how to marry precision with art. Shadowing his 
father, an accomplished fashion designer, he spent his formative years exposed
to trend-setting haute couture. This influence now drives his passion to design
each ring with exacting measures and create the world's most exquisite collection of bridal jewelry.