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Wikki Stix sells Made in the USA Products in the Toys & Games Category
eshop at Wikki Stix's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products Wikki Stix sells is Made in the USA Building Sticks. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Wikki Stix and its Made in America products see the following:

Well, our corporate name is Omnicor Inc. but we are far better known simply as...the Wikki Stix Company.

We are a small, friendly and playful company with the wonderful task of producing a unique and amazing product to delight, inspire and entertain children, while bringing peace, quiet and joy to parents and grandparents!

And, we have been doing this, now, for over twenty years! Wikki Stix One-of-a-Kind Creatables are the award winning original waxed yarn creativity toy ? made in the USA!

We are proud of the fact that Wikki Stix have won several Parents' Choice Awards, as well as the award and awards from Dr. Toy. We have also won the top two toy awards in the United Kingdom!

Not only are Wikki Stix a wonderful creative activity toy...they are also a Really Cool Tool for Teaching School. So, if you're a teacher, you may have seen us at your national conference, as we are there every year with new and innovative ways Wikki Stix can be helpful in your classrooom.

Our products are found primarily in upscale specialty toy stores, educational supply stores, craft and hobby stores, as well as some kid friendly restaurants. We have distributors on five continents!