One of the products HugeStore sells is Made in the USA Corduroy Pants. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about HugeStore and its American Made products see the following:
HUGESTORE is the world's 1st shirt & tie WEBsite (20,000+ customers, 75 nations) the world's largest WEB company dedicated to shirts & ties. Our newest software (version 5.0, object code) leads the world in self-service robotic technology.
When we receive electronic orders ~ we simply printout & pack the order ~ at great labor savings. It's self-service, you do the typing ~ your name, address, items go straight into our data/systems FREE ~ no labor. We simply printout, and pack the order in 4-5 minutes.
It's streamlined ~ you type for us, at your home. With WEBrobotics, we ship at much (40%) lower cost structures than ever thought possible.
We have 25,000 shirts in-stock, far more than physical stores. And, we have world-class buying power ~ our prices are within $5-$7 of wholesale menswear, saving $15-$25 per item.
Unlike physical retail stores & major catalogs ~ we are sincerely committed to creating electronic savings for our customer. Not so, for large retailers ~ stuck with wrong investments in physical locations. Our business is 100% on the WEB, which dramatically lowers prices ~ vanguard software, catalyzing lower prices.
For more information about HugeStore and its American Made products see the following:
HUGESTORE is the world's 1st shirt & tie WEBsite (20,000+ customers, 75 nations) the world's largest WEB company dedicated to shirts & ties. Our newest software (version 5.0, object code) leads the world in self-service robotic technology.
When we receive electronic orders ~ we simply printout & pack the order ~ at great labor savings. It's self-service, you do the typing ~ your name, address, items go straight into our data/systems FREE ~ no labor. We simply printout, and pack the order in 4-5 minutes.
It's streamlined ~ you type for us, at your home. With WEBrobotics, we ship at much (40%) lower cost structures than ever thought possible.
We have 25,000 shirts in-stock, far more than physical stores. And, we have world-class buying power ~ our prices are within $5-$7 of wholesale menswear, saving $15-$25 per item.
Unlike physical retail stores & major catalogs ~ we are sincerely committed to creating electronic savings for our customer. Not so, for large retailers ~ stuck with wrong investments in physical locations. Our business is 100% on the WEB, which dramatically lowers prices ~ vanguard software, catalyzing lower prices.