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Tonegear sells Made in America Products in the Musical Instruments & Supplies Category
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One of the products Tonegear sells is American Made Fret Clearners. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Tonegear and its Made in the USA products see the following:

The benefits of The String Cleaner stretch well beyond the extension of tone and strength of your guitar strings. It actually saves you time and money which gives you more time and recourses for your music. Think about it. Increasing the life of your guitar strings, decreases the amount of time you need to change them, which means money saved from purchasing new guitar strings, and time saved from changing them. Win, win.

What makes The String Cleaner's design so special?

1. The Micro Fiber

The micro fiber was carefully selected for its specific ability to remove and absorb the previously mentioned harmful oils and dirt left from your fingers. If you look closely, the micro fiber is made up of thousands and thousands of tiny loops of semi-coated fiber or cloth. When The String Cleaner is in the closed position around the guitar strings, the loops engulf and really wrap around the strings.

Now, with the fibers tightly held around all sides of the guitar strings the semi-coated loops then serve 2 very important functions at the same time:

1. The semi-coated fibers act as a sort of scraper or tough side of the sponge against the guitar string to really free up all the harmful debris.

2. The semi-coated fibers also have a soft, porous and absorbing quality that collects and holds the debris so there is nothing left on the guitar strings.

Each of the thousands of loops hold both the rough cleaning and the debris absorption ability. To further understand or appreciate, think of the loops as having both the tough and absorbing sides of a sponge.

2. Pressure cleaning of the bottom strings

The next feature is the specifically designed thickness of the bottom half of The String Cleaner to provide pressure cleaning along the bottom of the guitar strings. This pressure pushes the micro fiber against the bottom of the guitar strings all along the fret board, where 90% of the debris collects from your fingers and is deposited onto the strings. It is important to additionally note that this pressure will cause no damage of any kind to the fret board.

3. Fret Ramps

Both edges of the bottom piece of The String Cleaner are beveled allowing it to glide cleanly and safely along the fret board and to fit into the tough hard-to-reach places at the top of the neck.

4. Cleanable micro fiber pads for long-term use

The String Cleaner pads are cleanable. Cleaning them is very simple:

Simply run them under warm water with a little bit of liquid dishwashing soap, any brand, and simply massage the dirt out with your fingers like so.

The only VERY important step to remember is to make sure you let the device FULLY dry before using it again. If The String Cleaner is not fully dried you run a risk of damaging the micro fiber. Simply feel it and you will be able to tell if it has dried.

5. Version for Bass Guitar Also Cleans the Fret Board!

The Microfiber has been extended from it's original design to cover the bottom portion of the device. When The String Cleaner for Bass Guitar runs along the length of the strings, the bottom portion simultaneously runs along the length of the fret board and the added microfiber cleans and maintains the integrity of the fret board.