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Texas On Board sells Made in USA Products in the Patio, Lawn & Garden Category
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One of the products Texas On Board sells is Made in America Birdhouses. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Texas On Board and its Made in the USA products see the following:

came about the day I asked my Daddy (yes, we still say Daddy here in East Texas!) to build a birdhouse for me. Being a wise man, he told me to come on over and I'll show you how. And sure enough, when I arrived he had a shiny circular saw for me, just waiting to be put to use. (I feel it is quite important to point out--as a female from the South, I had no clue which end of the thing was up, much less what to do with one!)
I watched and listened closely that hot & humid afternoon as my Daddy patiently explained the how to process. Somehow he managed not to laugh out loud too much as he watched me clumsily butcher several pieces of wood. And then something magical happened....I got the hang of it!

Daddy didn't realize it then, or maybe he did, come to think of it. He had done so much more than show me how to use a circular saw and build a birdhouse. He gave me the confidence to do it myself! Soon I began to design custom gifts for my family. Then for my friends. And their friends...and THEIR FRIENDS' FRIENDS....a definite mushrooming effect. I had become obsessed with my new found passion. And the rest, as they say, is history.
It was quite an honor for TEXAS~OnBoard to be featured in Woodworker's Journal eZine. I was interviewed by Michael Dresdner, contributing editor of Woodworker's Journal eZine. Mr. Dresdner is also a nationally known finishing and woodworking expert, consultant, lecturer, columnist, and author of several videos and well over 200 articles. His books include The New Wood Finishing Book, Build Like a Pro: Painting and Finishing and Finishing Fixes, a guide written in question-and-answer format.