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Solar Attic sells Made in the USA Products in the Boating & Water Sports Category
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One of the products Solar Attic sells is Made in the USA Solar Pool Heaters. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Solar Attic and its American Made products see the following:

SolarAttic's Solar Conservation Technologies are projected to eliminate 586 million barrels of imported oil annually, which even exceeds the current Alaska (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) ANWR oil production estimates. View our imported oil reduction calculations on how SolarAttic's technology can do this. SolarAttic developed its first attic solar pool heater in 1986 based on recovering wasted attic heat energy. Most swimming pool owners have a home with a hot attic that can be used to heat their swimming pool for $10/month or less. The solar heat energy found within the roof and attic structure is derived from the sun's solar radiation. Twenty-eight years of field experience with our patented solar technology has taught SolarAttic that its attic solar pool heater generally performs on a par with roof mounted solar panels. Many solar pool heater benefits are available to swimming pool owners without the need to have solar panels mounted on their roof. Here are the roof problems with traditional solar panels, that are avoided when using SolarAttic's attic solar pool heating technology.

Twenty-eight years of consumers using our solar pool heating technology has also shown us that consumers want a real solar pool heating choice. Instead of just another variation on the use of plastic roof panels to collect solar energy, consumers would like search engines to show the attic solar pool heater option on the first page instead of page 3 or later. Yet, this won't happen unless consumers spread the word with their social media to influence the results of Google and other search engines.

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