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Shop N sells Made in the USA Products in the American Furniture & Home Decor Category
eshop at Shop N's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Shop N sells is Made in America Chandeliers. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Shop N and its Made in the USA products see the following:

The history behind the name Shoptin?
Originally in the New World or the Early English Colonies during the 18th century most lighting was handcrafted in a Shop using Tin Plated Iron or copper, thus the name Shoptin.

The name Shoptin was established in 1994 to bring design exclusive period historic decorative lighting products to the region, targeting a complete solution to technical lighting issues that are guaranteed and conclusive. As an authority in the total approach to specialty lighting needs, from period, to low energy contemporary, innovation is our earmark.
You may have observed and or read advertising editorials regarding our historic
lighting products in the following over the years: