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Quad Fab sells Made in the USA Products in the Motorized Vehicles Category
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One of the products Quad Fab sells is Made in the USA 4 Wheeler Mufflers. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Quad Fab and its American Made products see the following:

All of our silencers will pressure/friction fit to either directly your stock muffler or to one of our adapters. Adapters are used at an attachment point for The Silent Rider?. Never is The Silent Rider?a permanent mount. Only an adapter (if needed for the specific ATV model) is permanent. Our unique design does not need clamping making installation and removal very easy. The Silent Rider? is designed to custom fit your ATV model with a heat shield, turndown pipe, and sturdy mounting brackets. There is no confusing assembly required!

The Silent Rider? ATV silencer has 3 mounting methods that depend on the ATV model application.

No Adapter Needed
When there is enough flange on the end of the stock muffler get a tight pressure fit, then no adapter is needed. Once the mounting brackets are fit to the rubber coated clamps and attached to the back rack or frame, the installation is complete. It should take only minutes to mount!

Weld-on Adapter
Many ATV models do not have a proper setup to pressure/friction fit The Silent Rider?, therefore a small adapter is necessary. It will be included with the silencer at no charge. According to the instructions included with each custom ATV silencer, it is recommended that a wire weld is used to attach our adapter to the stock muffler. This provides a perfect attachment point for the silencer to pressure fit to. The adapter stays attached to the factory muffler, allowing you to remove the silencer, if you like. The adapter will not interfere with the performance of the exhaust should you remove the silencer.

Optional Bolt-on Adapter
The optional bolt-on adapter is available for some ATV models that have 3-bolt pattern muffler tailpipes/spark arrestors. Just remove the bolts and the stock tailpipe and replace with the adapter and bolt provided. There is no drilling necessary! Once the adapter is in place, The Silent Rider?will pressure fit to the adapter. The support brackets on The Silent Rider? will mount onto the back rack or the frame with the rubber coated clamps provided for a solid mount. The weld-on adapter is always an option, but the bolt-on adapter makes mounting simple as it lines up perfectly with the existing bolt holes. The $27.95 is well worth it!

It you have questions, we are here to help! Please email us at or call us at 1-866-EXHAUST (394-2878).