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240 Sweet sells Made in USA Products in the Grocery & Gourmet Food Category
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One of the products 240 Sweet sells is Made in the USA Marshmallows. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about 240 Sweet and its Made in America products see the following:

Partners Alexa Lemley and Samantha Aulick hand-craft artisan treats in Columbus,
Indiana. Originally,we made marshmallows to give to our
catering customers. Soon, people begin clamoring for more puffs. 240Sweet, a division of Lemleys' Catering was born. Recognition of Chef Alexa's Artistry

In 2009, Chef Alexa was inducted into Indiana Artisan for 240Sweet Artisan Marshmallows. An Indiana Artisan is a Hoosier recognized for careful attention to detail, knowledge of a craft and an entrepreneurial spirit. Their extraordinary talent contributes to Indiana's reputation for quality work.
The same year, Chef Alexa was the Artist in Residence at the
Indiana State Museum. During this time, she demonstrated the Art of Making Marshmallows to museum visitors.