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Use Calculator to Determine the Made in USA Content % of Product/s.

1. Enter Your Data

Product ID (Optional

Direct Manufacturing Costs From U.S. Sources
# Of U.S. Sourced Parts In Product - Include Parts That Comprise Assemblies
Amount in US $
U.S. Origin Material Costs
U.S. Origin Labor Costs
*U.S. Origin Overhead
*Enter Overhead only if allocated by Product, otherwise include Overhead with Direct Labor

I agree that Final Assembly or Processing takes place in the U.S.

Direct Manufacturing Costs From Foreign Sources
# Of Foreign Sourced Parts In Product - Include Parts That Comprise Assemblies
Country Amount in US$
Foreign Material Cost
Foreign Material Cost
Foreign Material Cost
Foreign Material Cost
Foreign Material Cost

*REMINDER - FTC Rules Require Content Claims to be Truthful!

2. Click to Calculate

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Made In The USA dot ORG
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3. Read Results

U.S. Content Percentages

Use the calculator to calculate the amount of US content for each of your products. Simply, click the CALCULATE button after entering your manufacturing data. Use the TAB key or your mouse and click its left button to move between fields.

Privacy - We do not retain your data or calculation results, however, at your option, prior to discarding the results and data we will email them to you.

Product ID (Optional) Enter the model number for the product you are evaluating or any other ID of your choosing.

# of U.S. Sourced Parts in the Product – This number should be the total number of all parts that have a manufacturing origin of the U. S.  The total should include the total of all parts that comprise assemblies.  Because the parts that comprise assemblies are included in the total no count of assemblies should be included.

U.S. Origin Material Costs - the total material costs that originate in the US . This total should include the cost for all raw material, component parts, assemblies, outsourced processing and all other material costs that meet the Domestic Criteria.

To meet the Domestic Criteria all material including but not limited to, raw material, component parts and assemblies that are being used to manufacture a product must be produced using US labor and US produced materials.

U.S. Origin Labor Costs - the total direct manufacturing labor costs that originate in the US. This total should include the cost for all manufacturing labor including but not limited to, assembly labor, processing labor and all other direct labor costs.

If manufacturing overhead is allocated by standard hours it should also be included.

Foreign Origin Labor Costs – Labor of foreign origin should be included with Foreign Material Cost.

U.S. Origin Overhead - the total manufacturing overhead cost allocation by product should be enter. If overhead is allocated by standard hours overhead should be included in the labor costs.

# of Foreign Sourced Parts in the Product – This number should be the total number of all parts that have a manufacturing origin of a foreign country. The total should include the total of all parts that comprise assemblies. Because the parts that comprise assemblies are included in the total no count of assemblies should be included.

Foreign Material Costs – Enter the Country and then the total material costs that originate in that country. This total should include the cost for all raw material, component parts, assemblies, outsourced processing and all other material costs.

Enter this information for all countries and costs that contribute to the Product being evaluated.