Made in the USA.Org Blog

MadeInTheUSA.Org is an organization comprised of member businesses all dedicated to producing and selling Made in the USA products. Collectively, our members represent a major U.S. asset that benefits the entire country by providing quality Made in USA products and good paying American jobs. Recognizing the importance of our members success, this organization provides a set of benefits that help our members beat their foreign competition.  These benefits are available through...

Our Calculator uses manufacturing data to determine the U.S. content of Made in USA products. The calculator computes four percentages: • The first is the percentage of U.S. sourced parts that are contained in the product • The second is the percentage of U.S. sourced costs that are contained in the product • The third is the percentage of U.S. sourced costs that are contained in the product, after converting all foreign costs to U.S. equivalents • And the fourth, is the Average of...

Availability: The Search Engine Co-op is available with our Basic and Premium membership. Our Market Study found and identified competitive advantages US manufacturers can use to help beat their foreign competition. Provided improvements are made, the study also identified things that had the potential of becoming a competitive advantage.  Improving internet Made in America product search results was identified as having the potential of becoming a huge competitive advantage. Huge...

Availability: Our Market Study is included with our Premium membership or can be purchased separately at Made in America Research. The objective of the Market Study was to determine the key drivers of the Made in USA consumer products market. The Study identified competitive advantages for US manufacturers, the ideal customer for Made in USA products, and defined core strategies to be used by US manufacturers to beat their foreign competition. The study cost tens of thousands of...

Availability: Our Market Study is included with our Premium membership or each report can be purchased separately at Made in America Research. Our Market Study found and identified competitive advantages US manufacturers can use to help beat their foreign competition. The study also identified things that if improved upon, had the potential of becoming a competitive advantage.  Improving Made in US product labeling was identified as having the potential of becoming a huge competitive...

After calculating the Big Secret we were astonished that without government involvement, or spending more money, 7,000,000 new American jobs could be created. So many new jobs from spending only $200 per month more on USA made products, while simultaneously spending $200 less on imported ones, is incredible. Not only is it incredible, but we soon realized it was achievable. Therefore, we decided to be a part of this solution by creating a website to help achieve the Big Secret. We...

Demand - Of 1,000 respondents, 88% indicate they would choose a Made in USA product over a Chinese product, provided the price and quality were equal. 92% also indicate they have at least some interest in buying Made in USA products. 65% indicated an extreme or very interested level in buying Made in USA products.

The Spray Box is a self-contained freshwater wash down system that mounts in the bed of a pick up truck over the wheel well compartment. It provides a convenient source of high-pressure freshwater (100 psi) that can be used to rinse, clean or cool off with when a conventional water source is unavailable. The Spray Box is a “one size fits all” product, fitting 99% of the trucks on the market today, both “full and “mid-size” models. Its universal design also allows it to be mounted...

Prissy Elrod and Leather Leaf Publishing have a special going for their title Far Outside the Ordinary. Check it out, it's Made in American all the way and has gotten great reviews, to check the reviews on Amazon, click here. Little Tease: If anybody had told Prissy, a conservative Southern housewife, she would one day be driving around town with a stoned, drunk black man named Willie in her backseat while she begged - no, ordered -him into her house for the night, she would have told...

Made in America Secrets is the only site providing product specific links for 10,000+ Made in USA products. Finding any of the American made products in our database is made easy by using our search and navigation buttons.  Clicking any of our links that result from searching for products connects the consumer to an online store that sells them. Using Made In America Secrets is FREE and requires NO REGISTRATION. In addition to making it easy for the consumer to find products made...