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The following members sell American Made Products in the Sports & Outdoors Category
eshop at Emerson Knives's web store for American Made products
One of the products Emerson Knives sells is American Made Folding Knife / Knives. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Emerson Knives and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Emerson Creek Pottery artisans are continuing the American tradition of handmade pottery in a contemporary way. The property on which Emerson Creek Pottery sits was originally a 500-acre land grant from the King of England. In 1825, Silas Wade aquired the land and built his two room, and two story log cabin, now the home of Emerson Creek Pottery. To the north are the majestic Peaks of Otter, visible through the treetops in winter. The land rolls gently away from the house to the creek beds. More information about this historic home can be found in the Virginia Room of the Roanoke City Library, Roanoke, Virginia.
Emerson Creek Log Cabin Influenced by the energy of Early American cobalt decoration, owners Priscilla Palmer and Jim Leavitt founded Emerson Creek Pottery in 1977. Priscilla developed the unique technique of applying natural pigments to an absorbent glaze with a Japanese Sumi-e brush. The spontaneity of the brush stroke, combined with the accuracy of design yields our distinctively recognizable style. Priscilla's deep love of the natural world provides a multitude of organic designs for all of Emerson Creek's pottery.

Our handmade ceramics have been featured at Monticello, Mt. Vernon and the Smithsonian Institute, as well as in fine homes across America. We have had the pleasure of designing customized handcrafted pottery patterns for numerous clubs and organizations.

Emerson Creek Our handcrafted ceramics are formed of clay made onsite. Each piece is hand made, hand painted and fired in a gas kiln. Each pattern is a series of carefully planned strokes. No templates or stencils are used. The patterns are practiced and committed to memory. The artists paint the pattern again and again. Each piece is alike and yet different, like flowers in a field. We are currently featuring 13 different lines of ceramic pottery, including our beloved signature line - Field of Iris, a classic since 1977. All of our work is microwave and dishwasher safe, lead free and ovenproof.

Inside the Cabin at Emerson Creek Inside the Cabin at Emerson Creek
Visitors to Virginia find a warm welcome at Emerson Creek Pottery. We are an easy 10 minute drive from Bedford, a lovely 30 minutes from Lynchburg or Smith Mt. Lake, and a pleasant 45 minutes from Roanoke. With its original log walls, original fireplace, and three double barrel chimneys, the cabin which houses the Emerson Creek Pottery factory outlet offers considerable interest to those wishing to steep themselves in the rich history of the region. And, our guests enjoy the opportunity to connect with the past by experiencing the special quality of our handmade pottery which continues a true American tradition handed down to us from Colonial times.

Map to Emerson Creek
How to Visit Emerson Creek Pottery
We are located in Bedford, VA at 1068 Pottery Lane off of Pecks Rd (Rt. 725) Between Rt. 43 and Rt. 714.

Visit the following link for a Map to Emerson Creek Pottery ?

Summer Hours (April 1 - December 31): Tues - Sat 10am - 4pm
Winter Hours (January 1 - March 31): Friday & Saturday 10am - 4pm

Email us at:
Phone us Toll Free at: (866) 411-1977.

Handcrafted and Handpainted Pottery Since 1977, it has been our pleasure to offer the American heritage of handmade pottery to our customers. We take pride in the fact that when you shop Emerson Creek Pottery, you know that you are purchasing a little piece of history which will surely add the quality of timeless beauty to your home. We stand behind the superior and consistent quality of our craftsmanship and thank you for choosing Emerson Creek Pottery.

Emerson Creek Pottery is Proud to be listed on the Lynchburg, VA. Discovery Map
[ Discovery Maps & Guides? ]

eshop at Eppinger MFG's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Eppinger MFG sells is Made in America Bass Fishing Lures. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

eshop at Fish Dinner Lures's web store for American Made products
One of the products Fish Dinner Lures sells is American Made Fish Baits. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Fish Dinner Lures and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Well a Fish Dinner Lure is part of the Fish Dinner System. The System is Comprised of the following 9 Benefits.

1. We have 4 lure groups in a variety of sizes, shapes, weights and colors. More will be added if we feel the system ever needs to expand.
2. Any Fish Dinner Lure can be cast, trolled or jigged in a variety of presentations.
3. Any Fish Dinner Lure can be presented at all levels of the water column, thereby able to be offered in all fish feeding zones.
4. Any Fish Dinner Lure can be used as a Search Bait to find the fish when they are located in any of the feeding zones.
5. Any Fish Dinner Lure can and does replace the need for so many of those expensive Specialty Lures.
6. Any Fish Dinner Lure is a Multi Species Lure. All Bass, Largemouth-Smallmouth-Kentucky & Whites, Walleye, Stripers, Hybrid Stripers Crappie, trout or any other predator species.
7. Fish Dinner Lures, overall, are Low Cost and Durable, unlike many plastics and other soft baits.
8. Lures from the Fish Dinner System will for certain improve your fishing success and your budget bottom line.
9. Fish Dinner Lures are 100% American Made using American Components by American Companies.
Tips to help you have a successful fishing trip with out busting the BUDGET.

The Fish Dinner System & Just What is a Fish Dinner Lure

Let me be honest, with exception of the Glitter Spinner there is really nothing unique about the lures that we make. Many are know by various other names*. The only real difference is that the colors, shown in my collection with the single exception of white, are not available in stores. So why buy from me? I am selling lures that fit into a lure system that myself, my guide customers, and my many clients, have proven over and again will catch a lot of fish and save you lots of money over time. More will be explained about this later on in the Fish Dinner System part of this article.

Now to the question What is a Fish Dinner Lure, and why is it special? It is a lure that fits into the Fish Dinner System and will work under any situation you find your self in while on the water. One can cast it, jig it or troll it. It will take fish on the surface and all depth zones the fish will congregate in. The lure is simple, having only one set of treble hooks. It is made out of Lead or a combination of Brass and Lead and the colors are also simple. If you were to ask Guides, who key in on the Hybrid Stripers, Walleyes, White Bass and the Black Bass families, what color would they choose if they could have only one color in their tackle box, the answer would most likely be WHITE. Most of us have to make that choice or a similar choice based on our wallet size. So I have narrowed my color schemes down to 5 variations of white and chrome. Each variation has a purpose. There is plain white which to this day comprises about 30% of my sales and harvests about 60% of the fish I catch. Then comes white with a dark blue back. this color combo has the purpose of slimming the lure shape a bit along with a color similar to the bait fish. Then I add a Holographic tape with either a Scale pattern or a Prism pattern. The purpose of this variation is for the flash the tape gives off on bright days. The flash catches the eye of the fish when they are feeding heavily and seems to wake up those that appear to be sleepy and slow to bite. Also it has the effect of reflecting the ambient light available when fished deep giving it a more subtle appearance in deep water. I believe this triggers those finicky fish into biting.

All lures will work on one rod if that is all you have but if you can afford 4 rods here is what I would have. (All of the following can be purchased at most sporting goods stores, or inthe sporting section of your local department stores.) None of these have to be specialty styles just standard stuff. A 6'6 Spinning Rod in Medium Heavy Action, a good Spinning Reel with a high retrieve ratio of 5.3:1 or higher and spooled with a good 12 lb line (I prefer Berkley Big Game). Rig this rod with the Glitter Spinner. 3 good casting rods all 6'6'' long have 2 in Medium Heavy action and 1 in medium action. all spooled with 12 or 15 lb of your favorite brand. Rig each rod with a Spoon of different size and shape. Buying rod and reel combos will save you money in all rod selections. Or just use what you have. Most importantly make sure your line is good and keep the reel full.

A bit about the Fish Dinner System. I'll try to make this simple. The 2 main basic issues in a fish's life are good clean water and plenty of food. Seeing as we have little power over the living conditions let's move to the food. The forage that the fish have to live on varies from lake to lake. It is our duty as an avid angler to answer the time old question What are they biting on? Most reservoirs or impoundments and some natural lakes maintain a huge Threadfin or Gizzard Shad population. In these clear waters it pays to MATCH the HATCH. Izaak Walton made this point back in 1653 in his book The Complete Angler. Today that truth is still very important. The forage comes in all sizes and a host of colors. The most important item is size, then shape or profile then color.

eshop at Fly Fishing Creations's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products Fly Fishing Creations sells is Made in the USA Bass Flies. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Fly Fishing Creations and its American Made products see the following:

George, the one with the beard, is an FFF Certified Fly Casting Instructor with over 50 years of fly fishing experience and combines this with 30 plus years of woodworking to create some new items for fly fishing. He is a member of the Amer. Asso. of Woodturners, the Midland Woodworkers Asso., and past President of LPM Chapter of Trout Unlimited.

Jim, with the net, has been making nets and fly boxes for over 40 years with his signature carved trout inlay in each piece. He is also a past President of LPM Chapter of Trout Unlimited and has been a fly casting instructor for over 30 years. His fly boxes and nets are heirloom quality. See Video.

Company history
The partnership between the craftsmen occurred about 15 years ago. We had been selling through fly fishing shops in the State and wanted to expand our business and provide these quality items more broadly and to have a good site for customers to connect to other informational fly fishing sites. Be sure to check out our and fishing reports pages.

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eshop at FMK Firearms's web store for American Made products
One of the products FMK Firearms sells is American Made Firearms. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about FMK Firearms and its Made in the USA products see the following:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.?That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ?That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it?

I wonder how it is the People might alter or abolish their government without the tools necessary to do so.

Liberals will tell you the 2nd Amendment, the one that says, ?The Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, doesn't guarantee individuals the Right to bear arms because the preamble to the 2nd Amendment says, A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state?

If that's what the Founders meant, why didn't they just say, The Right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless?

They didn't say it because they didn't mean it. The Founders said and wrote exactly what they meant in the Declaration of Independence and throughout the U.S. Constitution, a nasty annoyance to liberalism's promulgation.

Liberalism is changing America for the worse. Social programs, starting with the New Deal then Great Society have burdened Americans to depend on government instead of Church, God and community. The result of these programs is more people dependent upon government instead of less. Liberalism also ventures to create more intrusive and punitive tax policy on those who are most productive, discouraging the self-starters and entrepreneurs that our country depends on for new technology and innovation.

Separation of Church and State is a perversion of the 1st Amendment to take religious influence out of all government business when it was designed only to keep government influence out of religion.

Liberalism has destroyed our school system. Even though we spend billions on education, most Americans don't have the critical thinking skills necessary to tell fact from fiction and they take media reports and stories for face value embracing lies and policies which are devastating our nation.

The American Founders recognized the most important role for government was to ensure the freedom, creativity and industry of American individualism, and they recognized that this individualism, this freedom to pursue happiness, was in fact a decree from God, not man. All of this spites the philosophies of contemporary liberalism.

Independence, individualism, responsibility, and aversion to government aid and meddling are all encouraged when a people believes it can take care of its needs better than government can. When people tend to their own security, they are further empowered to believe and to act in a manner free from government intrusion.

Firearm ownership magnifies and encourages all these admirable qualities of man. Firearm ownership also threatens the liberal philosophies which demand a dependent, despondent and surrendered people, explanation for the creative and far-fetched calisthenics endorsed by opponents of the 2nd Amendment.

As benevolent professors, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and George Washington watch over FMK Firearms, and we intend to promote and encourage the ideals they set into the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Our charter is two-fold:

Provide a high-quality firearm to all Americans at the most competitive price.
Encourage Americans on a journey to embrace and understand American history and our Founder's intent in setting down into law the philosophies and principles which make the United States of America the greatest nation on earth.

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