One of the products Survival Straps sells is Made in America Survival Straps. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about Survival Straps and its American Made products see the following:
My name is Kurt, and I am the founder and President of Survival Straps. In 2007, I built the first piece of Survival Straps? gear at my kitchen table. What has happened since then is simply amazing. As my wife and I saw the first reactions to the gear we created and our vision of what we wanted to do, we knew we had something special. We build gear that is tough, stylish, a blast to wear, and can help people when they really need help. When you wear a piece of Survival Straps? gear, you are making the statement that you believe in American production and all the things that Survival Straps stands for. What do we stand for you ask? We invite you to read on to learn a little more about what
Survival Straps is all about.
Here Is What Survival Straps? Stands For:
*We believe in building the highest quality, toughest, coolest, expedition-ready gear possible. Our gear is simply incredible. If you do not have a piece of Survival Straps? gear, you need one. Seriously. Not only will you love wearing it, but it could help get you out of a jam and potentially save your life someday.
*We believe in making our products in America-not China, not Iceland, and certainly not Pakistan! We make all of our Survival Straps here in America, and more specifically, in Florida.
*We believe in old fashioned, family style customer service. Our customer service team does not follow any corporate handbooks and simply does the right thing for every customer every time. People rave about our phenomenal response times and enthusiasm for the Survival Straps? brand.
*We believe in lightning fast shipping, even though every piece of gear is custom made to order. The shopping experience on our website is almost as good as being in a physical store. Except there are no parking problems, crowds, crazy salespeople, and we are never out of stock.
*We believe in doing the right thing. Just read some comments on our Facebook fan page and you will see what we are talking about. Over 300,000 of our fans don't lie!
*We believe in constant improvement. We are constantly improving our gear, our service, our company, and ourselves. It is very cool to see where we started, and where we are now. We are extremely fired up about where we are going in the future!
*We believe in supporting the Men and Women in uniform who keep us free and safe. We are extremely passionate in our support for Americas Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, and Military Personnel. Basically all Americans that risk their lives every day to make sure our families are free and safe. It all starts with them. We could not build a business and freely enjoy our lives if it was not for the sacrifice of our Men and Women in uniform. We are dedicated to doing everything we can to support them.
*We believe in helping Americans who need it. There are a lot of people going through hard times in our country. Through our support pages we give individuals a strength piece, a way to raise money, and a great vehicle for their community to show their love and support for whatever they are going through. We intend to help thousands of our neighbors.
We believe in a new kind of American Production
All Survival Straps? gear is built here in America. Not in China. Not in Iceland. And certainly not in Pakistan! We now have a 20,000 sf shop and 66 employees. This is not your typical dark, dingy, bland warehouse type factory. We believe in treating people better then that. Our facility has floor to ceiling windows, and is surrounded by the outdoors. We are located 1 block from the beach in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl which is a spectacular location. When the weather is right, you can find a lot of us at lunchtime over on the beach parked in the sand or catching some waves.
We believe in owning what we do:
We have an amazing culture at Survival Straps. It is somewhat informal with lots of flip flops, lots of joking around, and characters everywhere. These characters enjoy working together and have a lot of fun, but they also take serious pride in their work. Everyone here owns their work and the job they do.
We understand the significance and importance that the gear we make means to people. And it means the world to all of us to make sure our gear is the best that it can be. People use our gear to save lives. People use our gear as memorial pieces. People use our gear as symbols of strength to help get them through rough times in their lives. And people use our gear simply because they love the style of it. However a piece of Survival Straps? gear is going to be used, you can bet that we are going to do everything possible to make sure it is the best that it can be.
We believe in building the best gear.
We believe in building the highest quality gear that is tough, stylish, expedition ready, a blast to wear, and can help people when they really need help. We can say it all we want, and we can show all the great pictures. However, it is not until you actually obtain a piece of Survival Straps? gear that you will fully understand.
We believe in the art of hand made production.
All our gear is made right here in our facility by human hands. It is not easy work. But it is very rewarding. All Survival Straps? craftsmen are experts at their art.
We believe in Family Style business:
We at Survival Straps are very un-corporate. We treat our co-workers, our vendors, and our customers like they are friends and family. It makes us proud when we receive emails and letters from people saying what an incredible customer service experience they have had with our company.
Many times we never know who the person is that will be wearing the gear we have made, or what they may use it for. Other times, we will receive incredible letters expressing how much our gear has meant to certain people. We also receive incredible notes saying how our gear has helps save a life. These days we are receiving several letters and emails a day about the use of our gear.
What Drives Us?
We are going to be one of America's top production companies and raise some serious awareness and dollars for our nation's heroes.
We are extremely passionate in our support for our Men and Women in uniform. We realize that we are able to lay our heads down on our pillows safely at night because of the work that they do. We must honor those who serve our country and protect our freedom. They come from all walks of life and from every part of our country. We really hope that our customers use our gear as a vehicle to show support for our Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, and Military Personnel. Just as they have stood tall for our country, we must always stand by and support the Men and Women in uniform and their families.
We are a small company, but we hope to do something big in raising awareness and dollars for our Men and Women who have sacrificed so much for us. A portion of every purchase from our website goes towards our support for our nations heroes.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us to ask a question, place an order, or to let us know the good, the bad and the ugly. We prefer the good! You can contact us by any of the ways below. Email is best. We are exceptionally speedy when replying to our email. Thanks!
Modern Day Email This is the BEST way to contact us if you have a question or a customer service issue. We are extremely fast in responding to email. All customer service issues can be promptly handled through email.
Old fashioned Ma Bell: If you want to call us to place an order, you can do so by calling 800-971-3360. Please keep in mind we are a small family company and don't always have people manning the phones. If you do not reach us, please leave a message and we will try to get back with you the same day.
Ancient carrier pigeon: Send us a letter or an order! We will be happy to accept your check or money order.
1106 A1A N
Suite 100
Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl 32082