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The following members sell Made in America Products in the Sports & Outdoors Category
eshop at Mountain Ridge Gear's web store for American Made products
One of the products Mountain Ridge Gear sells is American Made Tactical Bags. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Mountain Ridge Gear and its Made in America products see the following:

Mountain Ridge Gear is a classic case of a hobby turned small business. Fifteen years ago I was walking around a fabric store with my wife who was looking for material so she could make a dress for our daughter. I was waiting for her and walking around the store when I noticed some camouflage material and I thought I could save money by making my own hunting clothes. I asked my wife to help me pick out a pattern and material, which she did. She was going to school at night and never had time to sew it for me so I convinced her to show me how to lay out the pattern and use the sewing machine. My first garment wasn't all that impressive but I sewed several articles of clothing and gained more experience each time. Later, I started experimenting by making my own gear. Over the years I've made many bags, packs and accessories. A few years ago some of my friends noticed some of my gear and a few even paid me to make gear for them. After I broke my wife's sewing machine I realized I needed something more heavy duty to support my hobby. I came to the realization that I could pay for my new sewing machine by selling some of my gear and Mountain Ridge Gear was born.


Veteran Owned - Family Run

After serving over 22 years in the military I have gained an affinity for rugged, functional gear that is NOT made in China. I want gear that will last! As many of you know, it's hard to find high quality, rugged gear that's made in America. My gear is just that. Everything I make is to the highest standards, with the best materials available. I don't put lots of useless pockets and do-dads on my gear. MRG makes GEAR THAT'S OVER-BUILT, NOT OVER-DESIGNED.

We painstakingly make everything by hand right here in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO. When you place an order we will make your gear. Because we don't normally keep gear readymade we ask that you give us 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.

eshop at Nautilus's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Nautilus sells is Made in America Custom Fly Fishing Reels. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Nautilus and its American Made products see the following:

Tested on Animals

Experience. Tradition. Excellence.

Nautilus fly reels are the finest reels made and are the fruit of 180 years of family tradition, innovation, and excellence.

When you visit the Nautilus Reels factory in Miami, you encounter dedication amplified by passion, diligence fueled by tradition, and generations of experience with machinery. At Nautilus Reels, angler innovators will share with enthusiasm their cutting-edge advancements in fly fishing reel design and manufacturing in light of Tested on Animals? research and development with fly-targeted species from steelhead in British Columbia to trout in Montana to tarpon not far from the Nautilus camp.

For years, Nautilus Reels has accelerated advancements in reel technology, and light years ahead of the industry standard, Nautilus' unique history is an important reason why they are always on the forefront.

Seventh generation metal mechanics manufacturers that have been in the fishing industry for all seven generations, Nautilus Reels emerges from 6x grandchildren of Ole Mustad, founder of O. Mustad & S?n -- a metal mechanics company founded in 1832 in Norway. Family albums are filled with fishing pictures from remote Norwegian rivers as well as photos of engineering and manufacturing contraptions such as fish hooks, horseshoe nails, thumb tacks, screws, railway bolts, and automobiles.

The Mustad family has a history of impassioned dedication to the development of revolutionary technologies for the production of small metal parts and the redesigning of existing products and processes to make them more efficient and effective. A walk through the Nautilus Reels factory reveals that this history is in full effect now, as Nautilus obsessively labors to improve reel parts for increased function, strength, and weight.

The current seventh generation of Mustads continue the tradition of delivering reels that are undoubtedly the leading brand in fly fishing reels. Nautilus' obsession with reel technology has delivered a line-up of reels that have granted them many awards as well as bestowed upon them equally obsessed anglers who are devoted to Nautilus quality.

eshop at Nokona's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products Nokona sells is Made in the USA Baseball Glove Conditioners. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Nokona and its Made in America products see the following:

Nokona gloves are unique, having been handcrafted in the United States since 1934 and made with a wide range of specialized leathers. Unlike most other companies who started producing offshore fifty years ago, Nokona gloves are still produced in the very same town in Texas by Americans who carefully cut, stamp, stitch, lace, and embroider each glove by hand. Unlike many overseas facilities that use mass-production techniques to create cookie-cutter products that are exactly the same, no two Nokona gloves are identical. Each has its own unique identity and feel, based on the careful selection of leather per part and its hand-crafted construction. Nokona puts classic American workmanship into every glove, using special techniques developed over the past 77 years.

eshop at Occidental Leather's web store for American Made products
One of the products Occidental Leather sells is American Made Gun Holsters. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Occidental Leather and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Occidental Leather's Worldwide Manufacturing Headquarters - Sonoma County, CA ? USA

Compare any other tool belt to an Occidental system. Instantly, you'll see and feel the difference. At Occidental Leather?, we use only the best, extra-thick, water-repellent leathers available. With 30 years of field tested designs, you can be assured that you're purchasing the most unique and hardest-working tool systems in the business. Since 1980, Occidental has set the quality standard in the tool belt industry - and has earned the reputation of having no equal. This is how we do it!

Design & Function

There was a time when form and function were inseparable. Today, these qualities rarely coexist in manufactured products. The Occidental Leather? tool belts are a notable exception. Combining 19th century craftsmanship with 21st century manufacturing techniques has resulted in exceptionally high quality tool holders and bags noted for their durability and efficient design.tool-bag-construction

Occidental's research and development department has built an A team of quality vendors who custom make our materials for us. Occidental insists on manufacturing our products from materials made in the United States. Our stringent specifications are evident in our extra thick leathers, industrial fabrics, and hardware.

Occidental sells only to quality building suppliers and hardware retailers. We do not sell to Big Box stores.

We love what we do and it shows! The Occidental Leather? design studio and production facility is located in Sonoma County, CA. We provide our employees with a full benefit package and a quality work environment. Many of our employees have been with us over 20 years.

Each product is the result of Occidental's unrelenting commitment to quality and design excellence. Proving itself a wise investment for many years to come. Once you discover the Occidental Difference, you'll know we design and build the hardest-working tool systems and accessories in the world.

From All of Us at Occidental ? Thank You for Your Support!

eshop at Ocken Bit and Spur's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Ocken Bit and Spur sells is Made in America Horse Bits. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Ocken Bit and Spur and its Made in the USA products see the following:

A long line of horsemen and women preceded us. We have had the privilege of pursuing our dreams, but also had ingrained in us a work ethic to make those dreams a beautiful reality.


Our business began as an adventure to learn something we were passionate about--quality cowboy gear. We were awarded a Cooperative Teacher Creativity Grant from the Lilly Foundation (Yes, we are also educators--we pursued this passion of ours to refresh ourselves and learn something new!) to study bit and spur making.

We originally had no intention of building a business, we just wanted to make our own spurs, bits, and buckles, we wanted to have a creative outlet. It was also a tribute to the past, as Jay's Great Uncle was a silversmith in Chicago, and his Great- Great Grandfather was a watch maker.

We had also grown very tired of the box stores and products that were stamped out with no human hands ever touching them, and no heart going into how they were made.

We traveled to Alberta, Canada to work with Vernon Lynes, a bit and spur maker. The unexpected taught us a lot. We came back and built our own studio/ shop. Then began to build the gear.

I wanted to learn more about the engraving, so I went to Alpine, Texas and worked with the most outstanding Teacher I have EVER had-Johnny Weyerts. It was wonderful! Check out his site:

Since then we have worked hard and played hard in our shop. Forming a business was not what we initially planned, but the unexpected can lead down amazing paths. We continue to travel foward together.

We would again like to thank our families for the years of teaching and support they have given us.

We would like to thank those customers who took a risk in having us build their gear in the beginning! (Brian Nielson, Jennifer and Al Andrews, Gerry Hostetler, Josh and Rosie Ziegler, Keith Fritcha, and Joann Snyder)

We would also like to thank Jennifer Ocken for the photography--the ones on this site that are outstanding were taken by her--the others I attempted, thus I will be sticking to the engraving.

I must not forget to thank the difficult horses, who made my life miserable, but who were better teachers than the well- behaved school horses who raised no problems.

~Alois Podhaisky, director of the Spanish Riding School, 1939


Jay and his family have raised and shown horses for several generations. He has benefitted greatly from the knowledge base of his parents.

Jay began shoeing horses at the age of 14 apprenticing under Tom Beard. He attended Ball State University and earned a degree in Industrial Technology through his hard work shoeing.

IBHA was a big part of Jay's youth. He was the IBHA Youth Supreme Champion in 1991. He enjoyed great success in IHSA during his years at Ball State.

He is an Industrial Technology Educator for Whitko Community School Corporation during the school year.

During his off time, he is a part-time farrier, as well as the bit and spur maker in our shop. His knowledge base of metal and horses gives him an edge in this profession. He is extremely particular about his work and a perfectionist- which makes him a tough boss! Gotta love him!

Generations of knowledge about horses have been passed on to me as well. I showed growing up, and sold those horses to help pay for my college education. While at BSU, I also enjoyed success through IHSA. GO BSET!

I graduated from Ball State University with a degree in Elementary Education and Special Education. I currently am an Educator for Huntington County Community School Corporation.

I am enthralled with the artistic energy that comes from engraving and designing!

It is a great life~ to do the things you love on a daily basis!

Jay and I met while competing on the Ball State Equestrian Team. We have three children and enjoy watching their love of horses bloom and riding skills continue to develop.

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