One of the products John Golomb sells is Made in America Baseball Glove Repairs. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about John Golomb and its American Made products see the following:
If you are looking for the best of the best, from the sporting soul of New York, you are in the right place. The Golombs are the family that started the world-famous Everlast name in boxing and American sporting goods.
Every John Golomb product is a work of art and a symbol of American ingenuity and craftsmanship.
America is fightin' back
A John Golomb restored piece of sports equipment is so well crafted and worked on with such personal care that it is actually guaranteed. John Golomb makes the highest quality equipment for the discriminating professional, as well as for anyone who appreciates and treasures the value of his equipment in which he stakes his livelihood. All John Golomb equipment is Made in the USA means American Jobs
John Golomb and his Legacy Family
Babe Ruth and Jacob J. Golomb (founder of the Everlast Sp. Gds. Co.)
John Golomb received his training at the famous Everlast Sporting Goods Company factory in the Bronx, New York City. Starting at the bottom where he learned and honed his leather crafting skills, he attained the position of Product Design Supervisor. In this capacity, he was responsible for designing and patenting new products for the manufacturer's line, such as the Thumbless Boxing Glove. This has led to universal use of gloves with attached thumbs preventing disabling eye injuries.
John was also instrumental in the design of a lightweight super-shock-absorbing competition headguard that has become the global standard for both Olympic and amateur competition.
John has served as the personal designer for the champs, having created custom training equipment for Joe Frazier, Larry Holmes, Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Muhammad Ali.
John Golomb products are built on the same principles that his grandfather, Jack Golomb, scientific design for the advancement of sporting goods products and equipment.
John's way of continuing the Golomb family legacy that spans almost 100 years and three generations of manufacturing in the New York metropolitan area. John's grandfather, Jacob J. Golomb (Jack), founded the renowned Everlast Sporting Goods Company in 1916. Jack was an innovator, a promoter, and a publisher. In fact, Jack was among a unique group of entrepreneurs who pioneered the American sporting goods industry in the first half of the 20th Century.
Jack's son, Dan Golomb (John's dad), served as CEO of the company for 50 years after the passing of his father. During his tenure, Dan took the great name and made it into an icon by nationalizing and internationalizing it.
John brings to the business over 35 years of experience manufacturing, engineering, restoring and designing baseball, football, and boxing equipment. This includes 10 years as the Product Design Supervisor, and 26 years running his own business. The simple principle of producing high-quality products that last and providing personal service, has been the hallmark of the family tradition and legacy, and has been the secret ingredient behind the worldwide reputation associated with the family's name in the sporting goods industry.
Baseball gloves presented a new challenge for John's unique leather-crafting abilities. In 1987, he pursued his new endeavor, starting originally as a baseball glove repair company. However, soon John discovered that the mitt-relining aspect of his service was unique in America, and made him unique among sporting goods repair businesses.
Quickly, the company became associated with fine restoration work of all types of sports products ? many of the nation's best-known glove collectors were now sending him their mitts for repair. As more and more gloves arrived, it became quite obvious to John that the gloves made by the major companies, usually bought at chain sporting goods stores, were no longer made with the quality they once were famous for. He saw that the gloves coming in for repair that had been made recently were noticeably inferior to the same models made years ago. Why? Because most gloves sold in America are now imported from abroad.
He concluded that to keep prices down and volume up, the name brands have simply cut corners, thereby diminishing the quality of their gloves. Other reasons for low-quality gloves being sold today include the lighter, softer leathers used to ease break-in, and the proliferation of vinyl or other man-made materials as substitutes for full grain leathers.
John's Glove Doctor Service has resotred, refurbished and repair thousands of gloves and mitts, enabling John to compile leather-craft know-how based on nearly 100 years. These gloves have been photographed, examined, patterned and replicated. This accumulated information has made it possible for John to have made extremely accurate replicas and tackle any complicated repair of glove or mitt.
John had his own baseball glove manufacturering company, specializing in custom made to order models. and one of the largest pattern achieve of glove models (over 1000 patterns, starting from the late 1880s to conventional present designs) which includes America's only ambidextrous model of his original design.
For more information about gloves, GLOVE DOCTOR Service... Pastime Preservations, e-mail us at mailto: xxx