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The following members sell Made in America Products in the Pet Food & Supplies Category
eshop at Ragged Mountain Equipment's web store for American Made products
One of the products Ragged Mountain Equipment sells is American Made Dog Leashes. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

eshop at Red Barn Pet Products's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Red Barn Pet Products sells is Made in America Cat Food. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Red Barn Pet Products and its American Made products see the following:

Redbarn Pet Products began 40 years ago when Jeff Baikie and Howie Bloxam met on a Canadian hockey rink. They developed and have maintained a friendship that has lasted ever since. The friendship that binds them, along with the history they share, forms the basis for their partnership and has helped them build the successful, growing company that is Redbarn today.

The Redbarn Ice Dogs Hockey Team

It started with an idea: why not develop a food that was actually good for your dog? After many months of research and development, the Redbarn Premium Rolled Food was born and as they say, the rest is history. The success of the food prompted many requests for treats. Always willing to oblige, Jeff and Howie set to work on the very first Redbarn Treat for Dogs. Over the years, Redbarn Dog Treats has grown into a full range of unique and delicious treats. As hands-on owners Jeff and Howie feel it is essential to keep in contact with their customers. As a result, Redbarn is dedicated to quick response to consumer demands. A request for more natural products resulted in the launch of the new Redbarn Naturals range of products.

The Redbarn Founders: Howie and Jeff

From our humble beginnings, the Redbarn team has since grown to include food scientists who work solely at developing new, wholesome products for your dog to enjoy. Our Quality Control Department works tirelessly to ensure that only first quality products leave our doors each and every day to keep your dog safe, healthy and happy. But no matter the number of employees, we are still the close-knit family we started as. Dedicated to maintain and preserve the grass roots philosophy they started with and always unwilling to compromise quality, Jeff and Howie take pride in offering you the best assortment possible. At Redbarn, quality is #1, and it shows!

eshop at Snuggly Toes's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products Snuggly Toes sells is Made in the USA Pet Beds. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Snuggly Toes and its American Made products see the following:

Natural Feet Warmers, Made in the U.S.
Warm feet, warm feet, warm feet. It's that simple.

I love your Snuggly Toes. I can't remember the last time I was out shoveling snow and my feet weren't freezing. This year that never happened.


Snuggly Toes alpaca feet warmers will keep your feet warm all winter. The alpaca fiber makes these feet warmers so warm. The processing makes them incredibly durable. The alpaca fiber is spun into yarn, knit into a blanket, then felted into fabric. Here's the whole process. You slip the feet warmers into any shoe, boot or slipper. The Snuggly Toes feet warmers will last all winter.

Warm Pet Beds
Alpaca Pet Beds, Made in the U.S.

Pamper your pet with a super warm pet beds stuffed with alpaca fiber. Dogs and cats love these warm pet beds because they're squishy and toasty. Owners love these alpaca pet beds because the fiber stays put! No more bare spots. Baffles in the pet bed pillow keeps the warm fiber where it's supposed to be. The alpaca pet bed is washable and the cover is removable for more frequent washings.

When I grew up in suburbia, I never imagined being a farmer. The closest I got to livestock was driving by cows on the highway. I've always loved animals though.

After graduating from the University of Puget Sound, I got into news. I worked at MSNBC for nearly five years before ditching corporate life. Selling the house was easy (this was in 2001), and getting rid of all my stuff wasn't so bad. Hitting the road with my dog, Grace, and two cats, Spring and Autumn, was an absolute blast.

I traveled the country in a travel trailer for four years, visiting Alaska, California, Washington, Maine and Georgia. I wanted to find something, someone, or some place amazing.

The something turned out to be alpacas. One visit to Jefferson Farms Alpacas and Llamas was all it took. It was a rainy, mucky day when Jane Levene took me to the barn to feed the girls. Suddenly these fuzzy, long necked creatures were staring me in the face looking for treats. I was in love.

The next few months I stayed at the farm, helped with daily chores, and learned about these amazing animals.

Long story short, I started Springtime Farms in 2005 with 12 alpacas.

Meredith's Menagerie has grown to 33 alpacas, 7 goats, 6 chickens and 5 dogs, including three guard dogs for the alpacas. Every once in a while a foster dog or cats visits until they find a forever home.

I try to be as self-sustaining as possible. After living off-grid for many years (I loved it), I moved to Salem, OR to be with Mr. Wonderful. I'm back on the grid, but in an area of the country where I can actually grow things! I'm in love with the fresh apples, cherries, blackberries, pears, plums. This year the carrots, peas, beets, and cauliflower were successful. Wait until next year. Fresh milk and eggs grace my table daily.

I've been working with alpaca fiber since day one. It's absolutely incredible. It's softer and warmer than wool. I already knew how to crochet, but had to get it from the animal into yarn. So, I learned to clean, card and spin. A class on needle felting was fabulous. Unfortunately I haven't been able to spend much time on that project.

I got the idea for alpaca shoe inserts from a woman who had been putting lose fiber in her shoes to keep her feet warm. You could almost see the lightbulb above my head...something warm, sturdy, and long-lasting.

Since then, I've seen them for sale twice. Both have been from felted fiber. That's how I started making them, but they didn't hold up very well.

A few tries later, and I realized if I spin the fiber, crochet it, then felt it, the inserts hold up very well.

The yarn for Snuggly Toes has been spun at a small U.S. mill. In fact, it's at another alpaca farm. I then knit the fiber on a knitting>

Felting something that's been crocheted or knitted is very easy. Throw it in the washing machine on hot three times, and viola, it's felted. (Ever washed a wool sweater by accident? Same thing)

Snuggly Toes are then cut from the fabric.

Springtime Farms is open to visitors. Come see Paco, Fat Patti, Walter and the rest of the gang. You'll get to feed them treats just like I did.

Our contact information

By email:

By standard mail:
Springtime Farms
1140 Cordon Rd. NE
Salem, OR 97317

By phone:

This is my home phone, so please call during awake hours, Pacific time. (I go to bed early)Thanks!

Shipping Information:

I try very hard to fill and ship orders within a day or two. Orders are shipped via the U.S. Postal Service.

Refund, Returns and Cancellation Policies:

If you change your mind about Snuggly Toes before they have been shipped, I'm happy to cancel your order and return the full purchase price.
If your order has already been sent, please contact me by e-mail. I will refund your money, except for shipping costs once you have returned the unused Snuggly Toes if they are returned within 15 days.
If you have already used your Snuggly Toes, I'm sorry. I cannot provide a refund.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can Snuggly Toes be washed?

Yes, Snuggly Toes can be washed. The best way is to fill a sink with enough hot water to cover the Snuggly Toes. After the sink is filled (not during), put in a squish of Dawn dishwashing liquid. Let the Snuggly Toes soak for about 20 minutes. Take them gently out of the water and drain the sink. Re-fill the sink with hot water. Once it's full, put the Snuggly Toes back in for a 20 minute rinse cycle. Let air dry.

Alternative: Throw them in the washing machine on cold and let air dry. I have tried this with a few washings, and the Snuggly Toes are holding up. However, I don't guarantee they will last as long as washing them in the sink.

How do I confirm my order?

I will send you an e-mail when your order has been sent. If you have any questions before that, please feel free to e-mail me ( or call (719-783-9619). Please call during awake hours, mountain time, as this is my home phone.

How long will Snuggly Toes last?

I used my Snuggly Toes all winter (a long 6 months here) for morning and evening chores. The answer depends a little bit on how often you use them, but planning for one season is reasonable.
Snuggle up with alpaca warmth!

eshop at Stuffington Bear Factory's web store for American Made products
One of the products Stuffington Bear Factory sells is American Made Dog Toys. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Stuffington Bear Factory and its Made in America products see the following:

Stuffington Teddy Bear Factory is a USA toy manufacturer of American teddy bears, American stuffed animals and American stuffed animal accessories based in Phoenix, Arizona. We have been creating unique American stuffed animal gifts since 1959. Our creations are unique and also of very high quality, designed to be a lasting friend well into the future for you or that special someone.

Stuffington Teddy Bear Factory is one of the few stuffed animal manufacturers with production based in the United States. We are proud of our Made in the U.S.A. status and what it means to all of us. We know how important to your family and our economy American toys from a USA toy manufacturer are.

Download our in-store coupon. Stuggington Bear Factory teddy bear stuffing machine.
Stuffington Bear Factory's hours of Operation are from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. MST, Monday through Friday and some Saturdays.

We have one manufacturing facility located in Phoenix, Arizona. This facility is 16,000 square feet and is a complete cut and sew production environment. Any finished fabric item from stuffed animals to clothing can be produced here from scratch. In fact, we often produce custom cut and sew items under contract. All products are made by hand.

On the same property we have a retail store where we sell our teddy bears and stuffed animals. Shoppers can come in anytime and have a teddy bear or stuffed animal made right away. We also host factory tours, school field trips, birthday parties and special events. During these events, visitors learn all about teddy bears and are able to stuff, comb, bathe and dress up their very own teddy bear. Our events are very popular, with a high frequency of return bookings.

We always enjoy showing visitors around the manufacturing facility and the retail store. Visitors have a great time learning about how a stuffed animal is made and an even better time selecting and creating their own favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal.

If you are ever in the neighborhood, come by anytime to make a stuffed animal in our retail store. We highly encourage you to drop in and visit us for a unique experience you won't forget.

eshop at Sunset Hill Stoneware's web store for Made in the USA products
One of the products Sunset Hill Stoneware sells is Made in the USA Dog Bowls. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Sunset Hill Stoneware and its Made in America products see the following:

American-made products are easy to find at Sunset Hill Stoneware ? it's all we make!

You'll discover our Signature Stoneware? pieces as you travel America. In state and national parks, highly-recognized museums and well known battlefields. And you'll find our keepsakes in specialty gift shops, family coffee houses and legendary brew houses ? even the Green Bay Packer Pro Shop!

Every functional piece has been hand thrown on a pottery wheel. Each handle carefully pulled and applied. High clarity artwork produced and hand adhered. Hand dipped into custom glazes. Well, I think you get it. We do everything by hand. Our Wisconsin artisans add their personal fingertip touch into each treasured piece ? handcrafted to last a lifetime.

Want to learn how we keep the craftsmanship of yesterday instilled into our processes? Watch us in action!

Are you interested in creating your own stoneware? It's easy.

If you are purchasing for your business, visit Signature Stoneware? to get started.
If you would like to customize your own stoneware, click here.
Need stoneware now? Click here for in stock, ready-to-ship pieces.
Our Sunset Hill Stoneware artists can hand throw and ship your order in 4 weeks or less!

Markets We Serve
Coffee Houses ? Breweries ? Museums ? National Parks
Bed & Breakfast Inns ? Resorts & Lodges ? Gift Shops
Corporations ? Fundraisers ? Renaissance Faires
... and everyone who loves American-made stoneware!

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