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The following members sell American Made Products in the Patio, Lawn & Garden Category
eshop at Grace Note Chimes's web store for American Made products
One of the products Grace Note Chimes sells is American Made Wind Chimes. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Grace Note Chimes and its Made in the USA products see the following:

The finest precision-tuned wind chimes available
If you want the most beautiful-sounding and well-built wind chimes on the market, you've come to the right place. Welcome to Grace Note Chimes.

Designed for ultimate clarity of tone and resonance, Grace Note's classic tuned wind chimes feature a unique pinned suspension device combined with superior materials and craftsmanship. Our chimes are available in a multitude of sizes, from petite all the way up to our deluxe chimes, which are a full 7 feet tall.

Our precision-tuned wind chimes have earned the reputation of being the most musical wind chimes on the market. Grace Note's wind chimes are available in 9 sizes and 7 different tuning. Our classic wind chimes offer a broad spectrum of tones, and our pricing fits most everyone's needs.

All chimes are tuned in the key of C, with the corresponding notes and chords engraved on one side of each aluminum windplate. Classic wind chimes are handcrafted from thick-tempered aluminum tubing, with a soft brushed finish. Each chime now features recycled composite lumber strikers - composite lumber is not only environmentally friendly but it also creates a softer contact sound when applied to wind chime tubing. These strikers are not subject to drying or cracking and require no maintenance. Our chimes make great gifts, and can be delivered gift wrapped with a personalized engraving.

With over 20 years of history, Grace Note Windchimes, like our product, has stood the test of time. The quality of our chimes and our attention to detail continues to drive our company into the 21st century and ensures that our chimes will keep tolling well into the future.

Buy with pride! All of our chimes and products are made in the USA.

eshop at Green Garden Products's web store for American Made products
One of the products Green Garden Products sells is American Made Vegetable Beds. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Green Garden Products and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Garden Green Products is a family owned business. We strive to make gardening easier and more enjoyable. We are gardeners ourselves, so we seek to provide high-quality products, expert information and friendly, personalized service.

Garden Green Products is proud to be able to say that our products are made in the USA. We are committed in helping our workforce stay sustainable and by creating new jobs when possible. We seek out and support small businesses throughout the USA who are also committed to their communities making a living by their crafts and talents who take pride in their workmanship.

Being a small business we have less of a carbon footprint by working at our family shop located at our home. We support other local small businesses, farmer markets, local charities and our community.

eshop at Green Tek's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Green Tek sells is Made in America Shade Nets. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Green Tek and its American Made products see the following:

Quick Ship, Cut to Size, No Minimums?

?is what makes Green-Tek, Inc. the leading converter, fabricator and master distributor of greenhouse coverings and components, thermal glazing and plastic pallets.

Green-Tek operates from two centrally located factories: Janesville Wisconsin, located in the thriving heartland of the U.S. and Visalia, California, the middle of the state with easy access to the entire West Coast.
Green-Tek capitalizes on the beneficial resources of these regions: A quality, skilled labor force and efficient shipping lanes to all points of North America.

Green-Tek's expertise and knowledge of the greenhouse, DYI and architectural glazing industries enables the company to offer the newest cutting edge technological developments in the industry.

Green-Tek is a privately held company with over two decades of experience.

eshop at Head n Home's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Head n Home sells is Made in America Sun Hats. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Head n Home and its American Made products see the following:

Greetings hat lovers. My name is Gary Watrous and I started this adventure called Head ?N Home in the early 1970's. With an investment of $20 in leather and $20 in leather working tools I began making belts, wallets, and purses and selling them from the back of my 1963 Chevy station wagon. I must have been doing something right as my artwork was received with a rewarding enthusiasm. Sometime in the mid 70's, I created a leather hat for my own wear, loved it, and never looked back. Hats quickly became my sole artistic focus and calling. Mostly self taught while learning in the schooI of hard knocks, I have also had the good fortune to have had tremendous support and advice from many talented hat professionals and knowledgeable individuals over the years.

I have also had the good fortune to have a creative and supportive family, many of whom have chosen to join me as the demand for my handmade hat designs has grown. I would like to introduce them to you (in no particular order).

Garth's First HatGarth Watrous
Garth Watrous
My son Garth was born into the leather world. He was always part of the creative and business side of this home business. Working with me summers and weekends through his teens, Garth has always been interested in all sides of the business. After graduating from San Diego State University, he returned with an enthusiasm that has proven rewarding in so many ways. If I am the heart of Head ?N Home, Garth is now the head of Head ?N Home.

Lee Watrous
Lee Watrous
My brother Lee started with me in the mid 1980's. Always with an eye to what's selling, Lee's designs have become the meat and potatoes of our line. Lee's business acumen has and continues to be a valuable resource for us as well. I look forward daily to seeing what Lee's eye to the functional combined with his artistic ability will bring to our proverbial hat rack.

Ronia Grillos
Ronia Grillos
The fireball of energy that is my sister Ronia is an inspiration and motivator for us all. If there is a demanding job to be done, she can always be counted on. On the creative side, her floral and feather designs add color and femininity to our line. I also rely on her artistic vision in designing display and marketing to show our hats in the very best light.

Heather Watrous
Heather Watrous
Some would say my greatest creation, my daughter Heather has brought in an exciting and new perspective on hat design. Fresh out with a degree in art from San Francisco State University, Heather's unique visions bring in the young, the brave and the bold. It is always a treat to see the new designs she brings to the table.

Gary and Merry-Lee with Horses
Merry-Lee Rae (Watrous)
My wife of the last 23+ years, Merry-Lee is a world renowned cloisonn? artist. Our meeting as neighbors at an art festival blossomed into a true love and a dynamic collaboration. Always my mentor and supporter, Merry-Lee has recently begun to contribute her artistic talents to the leather medium, and gratefully to our hats in particular. Her innovative designs and metal work make up an impressive part of both our Steampunk and Ashbury brands. Her 40+ years of artistic creations bring into play an amazing addition to this new (for her) medium. Merry-Lee's cloisonn? can be viewed at

I am a lucky man to have such a family of supporters. I also believe that you, the hat lover, benefits from this talented group every time you search for that perfect piece of art to become the topper of your attire.


Gary Hatman Watrous

eshop at Hearthoe's web store for Made in America products
One of the products Hearthoe sells is Made in America Garden Hoe. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.

For more information about Hearthoe and its Made in the USA products see the following:

Welcome to our garden,

This website is dedicated to all those who spend time in their yard & gardens. We believe that gardening & landscaping is not only a great hobby, but also offers healthful exercise & increases the value of your property through beautification.

The tools you see were designed by us for use on our own property here in Alva, Florida. They were so much easier to use than other tools found in stores that we decided to share them. Pictures on the website are of landscaping & gardening that was done with the use of these tools.

Manufacturing is done here in Florida & since 1996 we have sold thousands of our patented tools to homeowners & gardeners all across the country. The tools have been featured on HGTV, QVC, in garden magazines, newspapers, garden centers & garden related events. Give our tools a try...they are rugged & really do work! In fact, if you don't agree these are the best garden tools you have ever used, just return for a full questions asked. Shipping & Handling charges are not refundable.

Happy gardening,

Bill & Kay Chrysler

Our tools have been featured in Better Homes and Gardens Landscape Solutions, This Old House magazine and American Airlines magazine, The American Way.

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