One of the products Sneezeguard Solutions sells is Made in America Sneeze Guards. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about Sneezeguard Solutions and its Made in the USA products see the following:
At Sneezeguard Solutions? we are continuing to develop affordable products for food service professionals. Each product is designed to comply with Health Codes that require the use of breath shields or sneeze guards whenever food is presented for patron self-service. Sneezeguard Solutions? modular systems are attractive, durable, efficient, and labor saving.
Like many other small businesses, we started out in the garage with the belief that there was a real need in the industry for a solution to the problem facing all of us dealing with the US Food Code and temporary self-service food presentations.
The problem with Portable sneeze guards back in 1990 (after an exhaustive search) was that they simply didn't exist! Because one of our founders was the F & B director of a local Convention Hotel and in desperate need of a quality product to meet the Health Department requirements, the idea was presented to the other founder to design and develop the concept.
After much R & D, the patented Original Folding Portable Sneezeguard system was born. We are centrally located in Columbia, Missouri and use many Missouri vendors to supply parts for our systems. Sydney Baumgartner, one of the original founders, is president and CEO of the Company.
Our products are designed from the user's point of view because that's where our experience came from.
A light-weight but durable portable sneezeguard that is easy to set up and take down on a daily basis.
The folding aspect of our sneezeguard allows a compact flat guard that can easily be stored and transported. The labor saving design of the Storcart allows one server to move 9 (18 on the Double-decker cart) sneeze guards in a single trip but also protects the sneeze guards during storage.
Over the years we've grown, made improvements and added additional products, but the original design still works and we often hear of some of those early guards that are still in service today!
Of course, we also offer Stationary sneeze guards based on the modular design of the Portable guard simply by substituting the portable stand with the permanently mountable (stationary) stand.
Call us and you will get a live person to answer your questions. If we should happen to miss you, we will promptly return your call.
We are a small business that takes pride in giving personal service and we work hard to build a professional relationship with all of our customers.
Our products are proudly Made in the USA to NSF/ANSI-2 standards and carry the ETL certification label to meet health codes nationwide.