One of the products Old Growth Riverwood sells is American Made Cutting Boards. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about Old Growth Riverwood and its Made in the USA products see the following:
Old Growth Riverwood Brings History Into Your Home or Business
From the 1700's until the early 1900's, trees were harvested and sent floating down the Cape Fear River to local mills.
The virgin forests of early America were an abundant natural resource and settlers wanted to harness the beauty, strength, and durability of Heart Pine and quickly set out to clear cut the vast forests. In order to process the timbers, they had to be shipped to the nearest sawmill and rivers were the primary means of transporting the timbers.
When a bend or a rough spot was reached on the river, many of the massive timbers were lost underwater and a large number of trees, called sinkers, were so dense that they sank to the bottom of the river, and in a time when America was covered by plentiful forests, there was no need or method to retrieve the trees from the depths of the river. So these lost treasures were stranded on river floors and could not be recovered... until today.
After being submerged for over a century, they have been perfectly preserved. Our historic river-preserved heart pine comes from locations throughout the Cape Fear Region in Wilmington, North Carolina and some surrounding areas. These timbers have a unique patina that newly milled timber simply cannot compete with.
The historic value and recovery process only add to it's rare beauty. Riverwood when processed, makes unique flooring and paneling and it is also perfect for custom furniture construction and design and can be stained or left in it's raw looking natural state.
cape fear riverwoodProduct reclaimed wood can produce:
? Unique Wood Flooring
? Fine Paneling or Wainscoting
? Unique Ceilings
? Stair Treads and Risers
? Stair Posts and Hand Rails
? Crown or Baseboard Moldings
? Wood Siding
? Specialty Millwork for Cabinet Makers
? Custom Furniture
? and much more...
Contrary to what you might expect, most submerged lumber does not rot, due to low levels of oxygen which slows decay. There is superior quality to Riverwood when compared to factory processed new wood and, as a bonus, the material is environmentally sound, since it involves no cutting down of living trees.
All of our logs are kiln dried for stability and every log is graded and inspected to our exacting standards. Old Growth Riverwood is part of the complete process from start to finish...from log recovery, to kiln drying, to milling, product construction, and if needed, installation and finishing of our products.
Have a question we haven't addressed? Please call us at (910) 599-7333 [877-653-4769 toll-free] for more info.