One of the products Brilliant You sells is Made in the USA Boot Cut Jeans. A more complete list of their products is provided by Made in America Secrets, to review their list click here.
For more information about Brilliant You and its American Made products see the following:
Brilliant You? story began on May 9, 2012. The founder strongly believes that the American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness can still be a reality. As Americans, our zeal and passion for life is so interlaced with the fulfillment that we receive by helping others.
And such is the humble beginning of Brilliant You.
The Brilliant You denim line was inspired by changes that my personal body experienced over a period of eight years. And, as a woman, we don't always have the control over how our bodies change from month-to-month and even sometimes day-to-day, depending on the season of our lives we are going through.
So, after a very costly and time consuming 8 year long experience, I got the idea of how wonderful it would be, not to mention the money savings, if everyday clothing could be designed to accommodate frequent body fluctuations, both horizontal and vertical. So I asked myself, if I am thinking along these lines, I wonder how many other women have had the same thought?
How often do we hear, that a thought is just that unless you do something about it. So, I started with the one type of clothing that I have more of than any other item in my closet?jeans! Then, I remembered the many fun conversations with girlfriends that love their jeans, but, needed to drop that 1 or 2 inches here and there before they could wear them again. And, since I am petite and a lot of my girlfriends are taller than me, we often exchange remorseful conversations about the difficulty of finding a jean that fits our bodies and has the right length. Putting all this data together, I processed it by drawing from many years of engineering experience.
I challenged myself to remember one of the most valuable lessons that have served me well over the years ? which is KISS (keep it simple scientist). Applying this well proven wisdom, I came up with the idea of jean Enhancements and jean Extensions.
The jean Enhancements made of stretch velvet and stretch prints takes your everyday jean and transforms it into an exceptional comfortable feel, timeless elegant look, and yet conforms to your curves, moves with your body type, and celebrates your body uniqueness.
The jean Extensions are designed for both the waist and legs. The waistband Extension buttonhole is there when you need that extra inch of comfort to button your jeans. The leg Extensions, designed with fun patterns and colors, takes your everyday jean and transforms it into a brand new highly fashionable look and feel without having to purchase a new pair of jeans. And, in the near future, the leg Extension lengths will allow you to select an inseam up to 38 inches long. This not only makes all my girlfriends very happy, but I hope will also bring a few more smiles to your life.
So, this concludes chapter one of the Brilliant You story. I am very thankful to God and privileged to add a little more comfort, color, and choices to help stretch your everyday wardrobe budget further as you go about your day pursuing your life dreams. And, with perseverance, determination, vision, and a positive attitude, you will also be writing your own chapter one success story!